2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’m so proud of him

Tweet has been deleted

A person I haven’t spoken to in 10 years just sent $1200 to a PayPal account I don’t use. And now I’m getting emails from PayPal saying that they’re going to withhold 24% unless I add my tax ID, which I definitely don’t want to do. Obviously a scam, but is the best play to just ignore it? I assume I’ll soon get a message from my “friend” asking me to return the money or send it to a different account.

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You should transfer the money to me, just to be safe. I wouldn’t want you to get scammed.


Your friend was hacked. He needs to be warned.

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Not true. Just not showing up on the message board

Only took a few days of ads to convince me to cancel prime entirely. Honestly I should have done this a long time ago.


When I click the link to view it on Twitter I get the classic deleted Tweet page:

Loved this episode. He is such a funny guy.

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This was a really good episode

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That’s not what happens for me or beetlejuice. Sounds like Elon hates you


Anyway it’s how Connor O’Malley mined FuckCoin (it’s like bitcoin but you can pay for fucks) and became the most powerful man in the world. But then the entire world was thrown into violent disarray when he was caught on camera trying to fuck his neighbor’s Amazon package. He had to admit that he didn’t know how to fuck. He wrote an apology song that got tearful reactions from like Paul McCartney and Lin Manuel Miranda and biden. He brought the world back together. His neighbor taught him how to fuck.

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The Woke Kindergarten thing makes me wonder what a competent version of James O’Keefe could pull off.

He’s a business acquaintance. I don’t think I even have his cell. I would assume his email is also compromised.

To make it sillier, we actually have the same name. Like both our first and last names are the same (there are actually three of us in the same general line of work with the same name, and it’s not like we’re all Joe Smith or something super common).

This is 100% a scam. Likely your old friend got hacked. Ignore and block where possible.

There’s a Hollywood/Jewish joke in here somewhere but I haven’t been able to put it together.