2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


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each state gets to put a statue of two people in the capitol, I would assume Arkansas was finally bullied into removing some confederate?

Ah, thanks. Iā€™m sure I knew that at some point.

I would have shat myself.

Post-Confederacy segregationist.



My house was responsible for one a couple days ago. :cry: 999,999,999 more to account for.

Hey thanks for the tips. :+1:

What i would really like is something along the lines of one of those Generac rigs they install at your house, but powered by solar. Does anything that big exist, solely powered by solar but able to crank out enough juice to mostly run the house? Iā€™ll hang up and listen.

Tesla Powerwall if you donā€™t mind a high risk of a house fire or supporting Nazis.


can someone who is good at budgeting please help me


The guy we sold our first house to created Bridgerton.

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Yes, and Tesla powerwall isnā€™t the only one.

The two on the right are LG batteries. There are other alternatives too. Now youā€™re talking tens of thousands of dollars. It takes a lot to really really back up your whole house.


didnt notice this game but iā€™m also drawing dead after ~2005. #14 probably Maria Maria.

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Today in annoying cyclists

I donā€™t really care that the OP is being a little whiny, Iā€™m going to rant here a bit.

The hatred of cyclists is so absurdly overblown compared to the impact they have on society. Drivers do dumb things that put others in danger ALL THE TIME. Selfish pricks sit behind the wheel of a 4000 pound death machine and assume that entitles them to do whatever they feel like, because our society has been placating them for decades. All of a sudden a nerd on a 50lb metal frame does something dumb and people lose their minds. You, driver of said 4000lb car, have nothing to fear from the 50lb bicycle. That cyclist has everything to fear from you. I guarantee that every cyclist encounters way more idiot drivers than you encounter idiot cyclists. And yet itā€™s societally normalized for people to whine about cyclists as if theyā€™ve actually caused harm. No, thatā€™s just entitlement.


Anybody have any brilliant ideas on how to teach parking skills? My protƩgƩ has excelled and is definitely ready to hit these streets solo when the time comes, but I feel like parking/parking lots are a different beast.

Traffic cones are surprisingly expensive and donā€™t really replicate what itā€™s like to park between/around other cars anyway. Traffic barrels would work well but they are also expensive.

Could you mock something up out of big cardboard boxes?

Hopefully youā€™re teaching your new driver reference points. Like how to tell about where your right wheel is by looking across the hood near the hood ornament (vehicle dependent), etc. I though everyone learned this, but my wife says she was never taught that and so has a hard time figuring out where the car is on the road.

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Going to, like, a nearby elementary school on a Sunday and just parking a lot when no one is around?


Never heard of that either, I guess I assume that my sense of the carā€™s position is innate.

Thatā€™s the easy part, but Iā€™d like him to be navigating around large stationary objects.

I am a little extra paranoid about this because my other kid hit a car in a parking lot about two weeks into having his car (was parked diagonally and cut the wheel too early/sharply and hooked the other carā€™s bumper/quarter panel).

Stand on the parking spot lines to make it imperative that your kid parks properly.