2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This mf just admitted he doesn’t watch every City Nerd youtube :frowning:

City Nerd is my husband

I didn’t know what it is either. And still don’t from those image results.



I’d bet money the number of people who merge at the end because of physics and math is a hell of lot smaller than the number of people who are assholes. Regardless, letting people in is a skill that should be taught more of.

Also, don’t forget about Positive Ocular Tracking, or the car goes where you look so don’t look at things that are going to wreck your car, look where you want the car to go.

I got my permit on my 15th birthday and on the way home my mom asked me if I wanted to drive, I said no and she pulled over the car and made me drive and has barely driven me since then. Both my brother and I drive her around in her car and she drives just fine.

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What is the point of saying this?

You are way over the line.

Happy Friday

The last time a Democratic president died, it was in 1973.

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Buncha lizard people.

And yet they couldn’t shoot RBG up with three months worth of adrenochrome smh.



Do you have a political bumper sticker?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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“My other car is George McGovern!”

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Do you have a political sign on your lawn/house?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

It’s one of my dad’s old campaign signs from his first run for mayor.

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Depends if you count this:

Wife put that up years back and it has remained. One of her friends brought her bf over a while back and he went on a right wing tirade and that was the end of their relationship. So it accomplished something.


I have one of those “In this house we believe” signs, I put it up when the house next door was for sale and I wanted to try to dissuade any MAGA from buying it. But immediately after I put it up our mailman, who is black, started smiling at me and chatting with me and it definitely seemed like he appreciated knowing where his allies are. So I kept it.

I also have a “Vote Blue - Save Democracy” sign.


Do we have the exact same sign lol?

Yes, but I don’t feel like it’s uncommon at all, I see them pretty often.

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Not as common in Oklahoma I’m guessing but I’m sure you are right.