2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Well, it’s a big town. (Only a little over 20 miles away though)

Sometimes the answer is to slow down or sometimes to speed up. It’s all about spacing. Get over but don’t do the Minnesotan get over 5 miles early and drive 45.

My son reported last week that there was a left lane close in two miles sign. All the locals just immediately jammed over in the right lane. No matter how much they advertise to use the zipper merge. These people will full on break to get over miles early.

Yeah, getting more traffic involved is my next step. Hes very good at using my following metric (roughly 1 car length per 10 mph) right now so im happy about that. Far too many people on the road are following at one car length at 60+ mph

Yeah and then you get looked at as the asshole when you try to zipper when the lane ends like you should, and the asshole who merged two miles back absolutely WILL NOT let you in.

Im confident in saying about 85% of people just plain suck at driving. I was hoping that I would see full autonomous for the populace before I died but its starting to seem less likely.


I think if this as the Arizonan. I think SoCal has the best drivers in the country. Not as overly aggressive as some places on the East Coast, but then almost everywhere else errs on the side of being so accommodating that they force people to pass or speed up quickly to merge, everyone waving everyone else in like a clumsy interaction walking opposite directions on the sidewalk, but at speed on the highway. Only in LA (or at least before everyone was on their phones) did most people understand how to merge to try to keep traffic flowing.

This is allegedly a kidney stone. Never had one but was talking to my friend who has had a few and it sounds awful. Then I saw this on Reddit.



I think the only rational people are those who don’t want to drive. Whenever I really think about driving it becomes a terrifying exercise that I have to block out of my head. I didn’t drive for a couple years when I was sick. When I went back to driving it was scary realizing how much you need to suppress to drive. All these people in other cars have your lives in their hands. It takes massive communal trust.

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That’s good advice but I’d also add that part of the decision making process should include being aware of the car behind you. Knowing that the asshole behind you is too close to stop safely if you stop more on the aggressive side should sway you to accelerating through. On that same note, always being aware of the traffic behind you will keep you out of some bad situations.

When my dad was teaching me to drive, part of his method was to just fall asleep in the passenger seat and ket me sink or swim. And making jokes like when I’d ask “do I need to get over a lane” he’d say “yes but Id prefer you call me Bruce” (as opposed to Elaine). So maybe don’t take advice from me.


Yeah, for sure. It might not be as good advice for a more passive careful driver who is overly inclined to stop as it was for me when I was 18 (I think it was actually well after I started driving when he said it).


I hope he gets better soon. Get well ben garrison. Taking ivermectin for cancer makes perfect sense.

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Sneaky way to get more soldiers.

You first Alex.

You can get him to verbalise while he is in a passenger seat as well. It’s basically an extra way to do safe driving practise.

Haha. I used to do this.

Except my dad had bought a new engine for the car and was tracking the first 1000km to “break it in” yah, I’m old.

So he spotted when we took it out. Oops.

I still think about the time the driver of a mini bus full of rugby players, no sweet belts, whipped across at a HARD turn and just made it. Almost certainly one of the times I’ve come closest to death.

This might be the one thing I did when I was younger that I have not yet revealed to my dad. The car I would take was an old Buick Century station wagon that they kept around for trash runs and such so definitely nobody was paying attention to the mileage.

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Do it. Dooooo it.

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This reminded me of another amazing moment when I was mearning to drive. My dad taught me a lot of defensive driving and being aware of what others mighr possibly do. First time I got to put it to use we were driving down a two lan double yellow country rd at 45ish mph. A small bus/box truck type van pulled out from a rd on our right and crossed in front of us to turn left. Pulled out wayyy to close and too slow but I was aware of him ahead of time so was able to break and slide to the right to avoid a problem. My dad had his window down and a half eaten banana in his hand. He instinctively threw the banana over the roof of our car and nailed the side of the van while cursing at him. Then said “that’s a good teachable moment. Don’t ever throw things at other cars.”


Seems too big. Would expect them to blow something like that to smithereens using a laser before they extract it. Urology does weird shit pretty often though.

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