2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


No offense to Bill Hader, but his Keith Morrison is terrible. First rule of parody is that you have to be funnier than the original. Morrison knows what he is doing; if someone put a 4 hour supercut of his Dateline introductory monologues on Youtube, I would probably watch the whole thing.

You go to hell sir!

Actually, Iā€™m never going to watch a Keith Morrison show so I enjoy the condensed versions from Haderā€™s sketches and impersonations.

Itā€™s always funny when a talented, forceful performer turns out IRL to be kind of an awkward dork.


Wild graph




Ive always been curious about this, does everybody have someone they would geek out about meeting?

Is Oprah going to get the vapors if she met like, Slash or something? Or do you at some point get so big that celebrity is no longer a thing for you?

I was low on podcasts so went back to the Blowback catalog, which reminded me of this absolute gem

I have thoughts.

And the Brits donā€™t even go to the dentist!

Iā€™ll give this one a pass (unless they are in some community/beleief system based on child marriage.

My daughter asked my 90 year old father to help me walk her. He had 4 sons, 6 grandsons, then finally 1 granddaughter.

Not a dry eye in the house.


Adam Scottā€™s hands were shaking:


Although Bill Hader was a bit star-struck here, his awkwardness is pretty typical when heā€™s on camera as himself.


Split that chart out by race and I bet youā€™ll find that the US is working as intended.

holy shit wtf


I fucking hate that there are still good things on twitter

That plot doesnā€™t show his claim, and his claim, if true, doesnā€™t necessarily address the criticism. Itā€™s entirely reasonable for ā€œdiverseā€ (rich urban) areas to be on the rise while overall, Black mortality is faring poorly. For one, not all Black people live in cities, and for two, itā€™s entirely possible that white gains in cities outpace Black losses.

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ā€œpeople love their private health insuranceā€


I was under the impression that part of his claim is that the biggest change was due to a decline in the expectancy of the white working class. Are you arguing something different?