2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I mean obviously.


Very secret!

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To be fair, it would probably be pretty easy to nail a Leftistā€™s opinion on 5 topics too

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Sure, but their self esteem generally isnā€™t wrapped up in being super independent do your own research mavericks. And I mean I went 5 to make a point but literally everything this guy said was copy pasted from smrt do yr resrch guy twitter. No joke he did the entire strong men create good times spiel verbatim as if it was a deep insight.


Any CPAP bros develop a sore on the bridge of their nose? Going to try a few simple solutions tonight but I may need to try another mask type (using a nasal mask now). I am chronically congested so a full face mask is probably a better option for me anyway.

I donā€™t think of myself as a vain person but definitely donā€™t want to be walking around with a sore on the bridge of my nose. Also it hurts.

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I have a problem with this but I solve it with a bandaid before I put my mask on. YMMV


Pillow mask solves this, once i switched I never went back


Seconded, Pillows >>>>>>>>>> Nose Mask>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full face

for me


Once I got one I stopped waking up 1-2 times a night because the mask shifted or something. Itā€™s also quieter. I also have bad congestion issues, bas sinuses, a deviated septum, and I still breathe and sleep better with the pillow mask. In my experience they also last longer, Iā€™ve been using the same one for over two years now, though Iā€™m about to upgrade

ETA the only thing I donā€™t like about it: I have a goatee, and when I wake up my mustache looks like Phil Spectorā€™s hair. I have to use beard balm on it daily or it looks like shit.

I can only do the full face mask after trying everything else

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Do you have experience or know anyone whoā€™s tried the surgical solution? Some kind of implant, the name of which I suppose I should have researched before posting this as I canā€™t remember the name.

nah, would be very hesitant about it tbh.

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This is one I saw advertised, but there may be others, though I would think it would be patented since it new. What makes you hesitant, though? Is it any more unsafe than a pacemaker?


I donā€™t have any data, but my perspective is skewed by complications Iā€™ve seen and I wouldnā€™t let anyone cut into my neck unless they had to.

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I donā€™t know if this counts as ā€œknowing someoneā€, but Iā€™ve come across a couple of boomers who have one and they think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Edit: The one these two had was not the one you linked. It was definitely something else. If I remember what it was, Iā€™ll post it.

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Some awesome developments in insulin research


My uncle had the tongue inplant surgery several years ago and has been thrilled with the results.

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One guess which country this thing lives in.


I hate you


Itā€™s a weird angle, and itā€™s not where it belongs, but those things really arenā€™t that scary.

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