2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

If it was $5M I’d be closer to this. $500K is cool and makes some things easier but does not drastically change my life. And for the record yes I understand how enormously privileged I am.


i forget the context, but we all had a convo months back about that first $100k or whatever. to a lot here, it doesn’t change much, but the value of $100k to say, teachers is much more.

same sorta deal. this scenario is where greed might bite you tho

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Dying without pain is like one of my remaining goals in life, and my family would benefit?

Then again, How much money do I or they truly need to be well off forever?

I think 25 is a good number that I would be comfortable with for the second reason alone, but I would be willing to go for at least 100


This. There is certainly a good “Stopping number” and its probably around the 10 million mark. With smart savings plans you could live your lifestyle or a slightly better lifestyle for the majority of your years with barely touching the principal.

I fucking love corvids, man


During the lockdown times I attempted to befriend a crow. He happily showed up to the place where I’d put food for him and I think understood I was leaving it for him, but was never interested in taking our relationship further. I named him Chris.


With a twilight zone twist all one thousand pills are poisoned.

I’m trying to think of a double twist like the twilight zone where guy bet a chatty guy he could not go a year without talking. Guy won bet but he had his vocal cords removed. Problem is guy never had the money to pay him.


I can’t find it but i saw one of those man on the street interviews and this lady flipped it on the interviewer, she says ok how about this: $5 million or you get cancer?

Guy: okay what’s the catch with the 5 million?

Girl: no catch. Straight to your bank account

Guy: alright well what’s the catch with the cancer?

Girl: no catch it’s the deadly disease cancer

Guy: i guess I’ll take the money

Girl: me too


Is it possible that the cancer is something that gets cut off my nose and I never hear about it again? Or is it automatically die-a-horrible-slow-painful-death cancer.

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I guess I’m at 4. With my current savings plus that I’d be set I think.

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Does discobot do 1000-sided dice?

@discobot roll 4d1000

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Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 81, 22, 90, 117

Is this "Freedom"™?

So my daughter gave up all her debit card info in response to one of those texts from the “USPS” about a package that can’t be delivered. Luckily my wife was able to shut the card down before anyone could drain the account with her allowance, but we had to have “the talk” about how not to get scammed online. (Kinda thought we already had one of those, but guess it didn’t take.)

I’d do at least 20. $10M is a number where I think I could live comfortably and carefree for the rest of my days even factoring in my penchant for doing impulsive stuff. Also, dying painlessly and instantly is the dream, but I don’t have kids. Oddly, in giving it two seconds thought, it would be tempting to take as many as I could and just give the money to my kids/significant other.


One of my favorite episodes of the GOAT TV show.

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Clever girl.

If 500 people took 999 pills without dying, they’d collectively have about as much as Elmo’s book value.

Someone posted this article on facebook and I commented “They’ve been doing this for millennia on Tatooine” and literally no one got the joke. OP asked, “what’s Tatooine?” When I posted a Wookkiepedia article about moisture vaporators, the OP wrote “oh, fiction. ok.” :woman_facepalming:


If I get to pick which cancer, I’ll take the cash every time.

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