2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


When in Colombia last year I spoke to several Venezuelans and Colombians about the situation, and their perspective was that nothing could possibly overcome the amount of corruption in Maduro’s government.

How do “the world” and latin america have 0% change from 1945 to 1950?

Just a note, not contending anything, this line of posting is still very dishonest and you surely know that bobman.

I don’t think the sanctions are entirely to blame for Venezuela’s inflation problems. As I mentioned I think it was mostly an over-reliance on oil (caused by the market - ie not enough planning) and too much spending. Revenue crashed and they couldn’t keep up with spending. Isn’t that how hyperinflation starts? But, I wonder, bob, do you think the USA should have done the sanctions? Do you think similar sanctions should have been applied to Saudi Arabia?


It looks like those sections don’t have a specific mark between 1939 and 1950, for whatever reason.

Oh, we’re talking about US policy. I thought we were talking about Maduro stealing the election and whether the continuation of his regime was going to be bad for Venezuela.

To which point:

I’m not sure about the sanctions though. The financial sanctions and the ones targeted at regime officials seem fine. The export sanctions (which wiki says only came in in 2019) are harder to judge. I certainly don’t think similar sanctions on SA would be a good idea, principally because it’s hard to imagine anything positive coming as a result.

I love CNN limiting how many articles you can read. I am going to just fucking block it.


The Venezuelan election “cannot be considered democratic,” the Carter Center said in a statement on Tuesday. “The Carter Center cannot verify or corroborate the results of the election declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and the electoral authority’s failure to announce disaggregated results by polling station constitutes a serious breach of electoral principles.”

The Carter Center’s statement is noteworthy because in the past Mr. Maduro has often cited the number of observers present to prove that elections were fair.

José Ignacio Hernåndez, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic International Studies, said the statement could divide the leadership of the Maduro regime.

“Maduro will dismiss the report,” Mr. Hernández said, “but Maduro invited the Carter Center and the defense minister had praised the labor of the Carter Center.”

JosĂ© R. CĂĄrdenas, a former Bush administration official who follows Venezuela closely, said the statement was important, because the Carter Center had defended Venezuela’s electoral system after a 2004 referendum failed to oust Hugo ChĂĄvez,
Mr. Maduro’s predecessor as president and his longtime mentor.

“They have now done a 180,” Mr. Cardenas said.

While there were other election observers in Venezuela, they are friendly to Mr. Maduro and not considered impartial

The United Nations sent a panel of experts to Venezuela, but it was not an official observation mission. The panel will draft a report that will not be made public until it is delivered to the U.N. secretary general, an agency spokeswoman said.





Some person out there with a very specific fetish just died and went to heaven.



My comedy routine was basically all sex and food, often combining the two.

God this post made me laugh so hard


Shill for big parma

— Ross Campoli (@RossCampoli) July 31, 2024

I wonder if they use prop wheels for the photos. If not, does she keep the cheese as part of the sponsorship? Does it go back to into normal cheese storage? Do they have a special sale for people who want to buy cheese that was once straddled by an Olympian?

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