2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I dropped a skibidi toilet on my 6 yo niece recently and she went wild. I have no clue what it means.


Just read a good summary I hadn’t seen before.

The right will withhold food from 100 people fearing one doesn’t deserve it. The left will feed 100 people in case one needs it.


It’s hard to read that and not think about how for every person at Food-Not-Bombs giving people food, there are probably 1000 at churches doing the same and most of those people are conservatives.

The difference between the left-left on one side and the liberals and conservatives on the other is whether things are charity or rights. And then the difference between conservatives and liberals is whether charity is done by the government or by private groups and individuals.

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Good points but I think the idea is meant to express policy.

Also the 1000 Christian to one thing is maybe true but that’s a super misleading statistic for the reason you said. When people are fed by the government as a right 100,000 are fed for every one fed by some church.

Your quote is a very old anthropology of economics idea that the best place to store your surplus food is in the belly of your brother.


That’s a great quote.


This should catch you up


I didn’t get much from that bc I got distracted trying to figure out if Green Goblin knows how to use a honing steel.

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Fun bit of irony from a balding 40 year old I thought of this morning.

When I finally end up shaving it all off, I will spend more time on daily upkeep of my head than I ever did when I had hair.

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Looool check out these coasters in my hotel in Sacramento


As a member of the “bald by choice, man” club, I know very few people who do anything daily with their head. I generally shave it three times-ish a week in the shower. That probably adds five minutes to those showers. Obviously no shampooing, combing, or brushing, I just wash my head when I wash my face. On balance I think it probably evens out.

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Wish I had the sack to do this and keep it up. My barber knows I am a “#1, all over” and doesn’t even ask how I want it anymore. But when I shave it all the way I look like a peeled onion.

I can’t find a link to a video right now, but I had IFC on the other day during a Portlandia marathon. I have YouTube TV, so the commercials are from the streaming service, not the channel.

A commercial (animated) that played during nearly every break was from the government: Make A Plan | Ready.gov, giving tips on how to have a plan for natural disasters. And it was absolutely unhinged.

It says something like, “You never know when a natural disaster will be at your doorstep,” and shows the dad opening the door to an earthquake, flood, and fire. Then it shows dad, daughter, and grandma making their emergency go bags and preparedness checklist.

While doing that, you can see/hear a knock on the door in the background. The family, all now wearing masks, answers the door to see that it’s a pizza delivery guy. The daughter says, “Oh, it’s just a pizza,” and they are happy.

What I find crazy about it is this: there was a knock at the door and they all, THINKING IT WAS A NATURAL DISASTER, answered it. And they were relieved to find out it was the pizza guy! Wouldn’t one of them know that they had ordered a pizza? If you thought grave danger was knocking on the door, why would you answer?

One thought I had is that they were going to leave the house, but again, why are you going to the door at which you think horribleness is knocking? If you think a natural disaster is literally at your doorstep and knocking on the door, go out the back or something!

But I’ll reiterate: they thought a natural disaster was knocking on the door, but it was “just a pizza,” like they wouldn’t be expecting it.


Before I shaved in the shower I clipped it myself, which is super easy. Only slightly annoying part is cleanup, which is why I switched to the shower. I did get lucky that I have a head that works clean shaven.

Well put.

yeah i was #1 for a long time but the wife thought it looked a little harsh so now I’m #2. Just go to the barbers a little more often :shrug:

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I haven’t seen these commercials but they are all over terrestrial radio. I tune them out though, so haven’t noticed if anything unhinged happens in the audio versions. Will listen intently next time!

Reminds me of a great clip from the Bachelor parody show “Burning Love”, which I’m not going to look up cause it’s too obscure for any websites to archive quotes or videos, but highly recommend watching in full if you can find it. Paraphrasing from memory, an interview between the comedically dumb Bachelor character played by Ken Marino and the often straight guy host character played by Michael Ian Black:

Bachelor: “It’s like when you order a pizza but you’re still surprised when it shows up, you know what I mean?”

Host: “…no? You’re surprised when the pizza you ordered shows up?”

Bachelor: “Sometimes.”

Host: “But you’re the one who ordered it…”

Bachelor: “Yeah, but sometimes it still feels like a surprise. That never happens to you?”

Host: “No. I think I’d be more surprised if I ordered a pizza and it didn’t show up.”

*awkward stares*


Trump isn’t the only one out there dodging bullets. The solar system is a shooting gallery.


I remember this guy telling me something similar last time I saw weird lights in the sky and unexplained loud noises.
