2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

225k subscriber substack:

Econ 102 podcast:

Hexipodia, podcast for actual nerds:

Maybe. I donā€™t really listen to podcasts. Dude should write a book.

How many subscribers does he have though?


Humana Dental covers everything the first of the month after you sign up, so August 1 if you sign up today. $15 a month. Root canal and crown run about $800 total.

225k. Hereā€™s his latest post, which has some insightful observations. I guess heā€™s bad if youā€™re not into or actively against learning new things about the world.

He lost a lot a weight



Smart. He blogs about tweets and podcasts. I assume he podcasts about his blogs and tweets and tweets about his blogs and podcasts. No wonder he has 225k subs!


I was going to take a quick dive into his work but Iā€™m against learning new things about the world


I had no idea Putin definitely will attempt to subjugate Poland after Ukraine, so I learned something new about the world today.

Heā€™s going to use MMT as a weapon, itā€™s like when Liam Neeson told Batman:

Yeah there was zero social pressure to be thin before Ozempic came along, o_0

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If fat shaming worked, there would be zero fat kids.

There was a study which Iā€™m sure heā€™s read and that heā€™s probably leaning on for his point, that showed that the friends and family of someone who lost substantial weight also lost weight which did prove thereā€™s some kind of social contagion going on. But the magnitude of the loss was small, not enough to count on it at a societal level.

What would be great is if enough people get on the magic pill that it starts forcing the environmental factors to trend differently as well. Fast food joints start losing more and more money and then have to start offering smaller portions. Less candy around kids, etc. and then we get to some more Japan-like equilibrium.

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Does anyone on earth like the new web only outlook? Is there a single feature that isnā€™t worse than the desktop version?

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Itā€™s terrible. Iā€™m looking for other solutions


I enjoy the half inch of blank vertical space just taken up for the word ā€œInboxā€. I mean itā€™s not like space is important when youā€™re viewing a list of freaking emails. Who doesnā€™t love scrolling?

And then another half inch for randomly floating column headers that give zero indication theyā€™re even clickable. Obvious click or sort indicators are so 2016 old man!


My favourite feature is if you have highlighted a misspelled word and you try to delete it instead you often delete whatever actual email is next up in your inbox because the program is too stupid to know where the cursor is located.

The search has gone from bad to utterly useless as well.

I switch back to the old outlook when I open it.

Settingsā€”>generalā€”>about outlookā€”>open mail nowā€”>skip feedback

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