2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Fucking Facebook. Oh you like videos with lions and gorillas? Here’s 3 warthogs literally tearing a leopard (might be an ocelot or something) to shreds. Which of course you have to click into and therefore see much more of, in order to click “See Less Often”.

2 am the morning of my wisdom tooth extraction and I can’t sleep. Someone tell me a story where your extraction went well. If you have a horror story keep it to yourself until 9 am central.

I’m not even worried about the post op pain. Just freaking out about the details of the procedure itself (eg what if the tooth falls apart during extraction).

My fear is ridiculous, it’s just one tooth and it’s not even impacted. If all goes well it’ll take less than 30 minutes from Novocain shot to extraction

I should have had myself put under for this shit. They kinda implied nobody does that for just one tooth that’s not impacted though


I’m a pro with dentistry, having multiple implants, root canals, many crowns, etc. I had two extractions two weeks ago from the consequences of a broken bridge. It was painless with lidocaine and barely an inconvenience. I have a root canal next week with an infection at the root. Now, I have a good dentist, but a simple wisdom tooth extraction is basic stuff. Like installing tires at tire store. Bread and butter stuff their equipment and procedures are made for. It will be hum drum for them and for you. It is highly likely you will feel no pain. Just close your eyes and the lidocaine injection will feel like a little pinch.

I do ask for 5 days of codine/Tylenol prescription but that’s because I need it for one day and like to have extra on hand for whatever.

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That is exactly the Knute Rockne speech I need, thanks

It’s an oral surgeon with good reviews so I’m sure they know what they’re doing

Edit: it’s funny, I’m not even afraid of needles and I do ok with pain in general. And I never used to be afraid of the dentist, at all, in my 20s and 30s. But clearly something weird is happening in my middle age

Btw, they may break up the tooth during extraction, but that’s often standard operating procedure. Just chill out to the muzak and it’s fine. My dentist gives me shit because I always have novel and complex issues, but he’s fine with a challenge. Seriously, I think I was stressed about wisdom teeth extraction 25 years ago, but today I wouldn’t give it 5 minutes of thought after my adventures in dentistry over the last 10 years.

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My kid (17yo) just had all 4 wisdoms out in one go a couple weeks ago. In and out in less than a couple of hours all in. All chill.
He looked like Marlon Brando for a couple of days tho.


Stop using Facebook boomer. :grin:

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Title insurance remains an all time scam


My daughter, same age, was supposed to have hers out tomorrow, but she has COVID, so we pushed it to a couple weeks from now. She’s deathly afraid of needles, to the point (no pun intended) where she literally freaks out, but the oral surgeon assured her that he’ll give her gas first and she won’t care about anything after that.

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I don’t like these new clip-on mics YouTubers are wearing. The rectangular boxes with the big puff ball on top - they are extremely distracting.

You should be freaking out about the post-op pain instead because the extraction is no prob in comparison, if that makes you feel any better.


Yep I did vicodin+gas for my extraction and hoo boy, after playing video games for 1/2 an hour high off my ass on vicodin, I dont remember a thing until I came to in the car.

0 post op complications too which was nice.

Edit: Valium, not Vicodin


Procedure done, it went very quickly. They were able to pop it out without cutting it in half or whatever they do when it doesn’t pop out. They let me keep the tooth.

I must not have been too scared, because I declined the nitrous (I would have had to pay for it myself). Actually once I get my mouth open, I’m usually fine (TWSS/TWHS), it’s the lead up in the days before where I’m a basket case

I’m sure everyone feels the same, but fuck dental “insurance” in the US. It’s an absolute joke

We’ll see how I feel after the local wears off, but so far so good.


Dental Insurance in the US is a borderline scam. They shouldn’t be allowed to call it insurance.


Glad it went well. It’s been 15 years since I got mine out but I still have one clear memory: my parents decided to go to an Italian restaurant the next evening. It is very difficult chewing pasta with only your front teeth and I don’t recommend that.


I completely agree that dental insurance is a scam. However, lets just say I have, uh, a friend who hasn’t been to the dentist in 8+ years. This friend does actually otherwise take of his teeth and even flosses daily. He recently decided he needed to get his lazy ass to the dentist even though there are no obvious problems except for occasional bleeding when flossing.

In pure EV terms, get insurance beforehand or no?

I think you get bupkis for like the first 6 months. You’ll get cheaper exams and basic work, like fillings, with “insurance,” but it doesn’t cover much of the expensive stuff. Some dentists will offer cash discounts, but that’s hard to know up front. So, I’d say it depends on the dentist, the insurance, and your time horizon. I think root canals are a bit cheaper with insurance. Some companies do have high quality insurance that actually pays for things like implants, but that’s unusual.


My wife and I got a Valium we took a few hours before we got our wisdom teeth out and I still have the email she sent me

I so had to email you this is so figgin crazy.I took the pills like twenty minuts ago,im all woozy, its great.I got up too fast, and im like going in slow motion and im laughing a lot, its great.lmao.I went into my moms room and I was rolling on the floor, good times. im leaving now so ill see you later. Valium rules!


If there are no obvious problems I’m not seeing the reason to go?

Probably depends on how the insurance works, I don’t have experience with many plans. My dental insurance is a network based plan so if you go to someone in network they can’t charge you more than whatever the insurance negotiated rate is so even if the plan is not covering a massive % because the deductible is high or the max yearly payout is very low it possible could save a good bit on major dental work by having the lower negotiated rates. I think the list price of a simple bite guard was like 900 or something obscene but I got it plus visits to have fitted/adjusted/etc for like 100 by my plan