2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’d leave the company right then and there.



from the photos CiCi’s looks very rough.

Piss Police.

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Cum Bum


Industrial musicals still going hard! Back in the day car manufacturers spent more than broadway musicals for these just to show them to their employees. Worst, Team building. Eva!

Pretty good flow when “likely” has three syllables

But the dude saying “securrr” :man_facepalming:

Currently super into indian fusion pizza. Had a chicken tandoori pizza yesterday that blew my mind.

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When I worked for HP a million years ago they paid Pink probably four billion dollars to record a HP-custom version of “Get the party started” for an all-hands meeting, it was more cringe than this I assure you

Overheard: “Ever since he got trapped in an elevator… he doesn’t like to fly.”

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I’ve noticed since I’ve been back in the USA the past few months that my tastebuds or whatever seem to be more sensitive to mustard to the point of it being a bit uncomfortable. I don’t remember feeling that way before.

It’s the microplastics building up in your scrotum.


Seen worse at every tech company I worked for. No idea why they all think that conferences and company-wide all-hands meetings need to have funny introductions, themes and songs. The worse ones in my company are the global customer support/success meetings. I think one of the managers spends more time on filming and editing intros than he does on his actual job and they are all terrible.

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This bird has been sitting here, right outside my front door, staring at my house for atleast 4 hours. I went outside earlier and almost stepped on him and he didn’t fly away. I held my phone flashlight up 6 inches from him and he didn’t fly away. If he’s still there in the morning, I’m going to be shook.

He’s probably either very young or sick. Birds can be on the verge of starving to death and they look the same as a healthy bird on the outside.

Booger investigative reporter

My guy. You are tasting mustard the wrong way.

He’s still there this morning, but he’s adjusted his position slightly and appears to be sleeping.

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