2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Looks too gray so

Not sure how much better that is tho

jesus christ, that looks moldy


Just cut those parts off, it’s fine.


To be clear, have and would again even though I think their recipe has changed. It doesn’t look very appetizing here

Looks 100% legit imo.

Any pizza that does not use loose meat (meaning not pre formed dog food looking meat) is not a good pizza

Is pepperoni, by definition, not loose?

Pepperoni gets a pass, I’m talking about sausage and hamburger specifically

Although pepperoni might be considered sausage, it’s clearly a different ingredient than ordering sausage on pizza

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Pepperoni is a sausage. You’re talking about uncased sausage.

Cased sausage links would look like cat turds on your pizza.

You’re just describing what good pizza crust should be like, period. Though gluten free will unfortunately never taste as good as the real thing.

What if you did a small dice so the pieces are the same size as diced onions on pizza?

My way is funnier.

Apes have their own pizza, but I can’t bring myself to try banana as a topping

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And then there’s Japanese style. Cardboard crust, tuna, corn, mayo, and Tabasco sauce.

(You can actually find excellent Italian-style pizza in Japan today, but back in the 90s when I first arrived, that was the norm.)

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Defend Taiwan


None of those components strike me as Swedish?

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What about a dessert pizza topped with mjukost and Swedish fish?


@Soulman we require your culinary expertise


Anal Leakage Bus Driver hits hard.

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