2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


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My perception is that there are no good steakhouses in India. Prove me wrong.

My perception is that a billionaire’s personal chef can cook a better steak than any steakhouse, especially since he isn’t tasked with feeding a restaurant full of people.

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I think amazing food won’t be a problem in India.


I suspect no one is going to offer any of us a billion dollars for anything.

Eh, maybe Beetlejuice for an ape.

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I think the biggest issue would be climate change. Maine is going to be a much more friendly climate in the next 50 years than India will be.

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India’s huge and most people speak English. Could be worse

Now we’re talking. “$1B but you’re stuck in ____” with 50 US states + India as the options, where does India fall in the rankings?

Idk the full list but states like Hawaii and Cali are probably up top. But India’s gotta be top 10 right?

I assume if you’re rich in India you won’t be spending much time on public buses or in other rapey areas.

Well I figure I’m lucky enough to have seen most of what I want to see by now, and the poker/traveling nomad lifestyle isn’t something I want to do forever, and I don’t know what to do after poker, so I figure settling down as one of the richest men in India hopping around on private jets to my various mansions and palaces and penthouses around the country would be a pretty ok way to spend the rest of my life! Plus India is huge and incredibly diverse, so lots of cool travel experiences still left to be had.

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lol, that’s going to be a huge worry as I hop around to my various mountain compounds in the Himalayas


Refining this I think India is probably more like top 5. Top 3? Hawaii > California > India…?

This brings up another point. Is it possible to enjoy being a billionaire without massive consumption and co2 waste equal to a small country?

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I doubt it. But I figure I could start an electric rickshaw company to balance it out. And uhh tax write off donations to Greenpeace or something.

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Sure. You’ve got to be like that dude who was very happy living a fairly nondescript life and just loved giving his money away to various charitable causes. I have no doubt that his CO2 footprint was still higher than the average American, but I doubt he was at Musk levels.

How much CO2 waste is generated by hookers and blow?

Nah, you would probably spend quite a bit of time in the rapey areas, as a lot of those are major metros with lots of other things to do. You would just roll with your private security team. Chance of rape approaches zero.

I have a feeling that’s not quite what people ITT are thinking of when we’re discussing living as a billionaire in India.

You make a compelling argument sir!

$10B and maybe you could have this place.

The structure is 27 stories, 173 metres (568 ft) tall, over 6,070 square metres (65,340 sq ft), and with amenities such as a 168-car garage, a ballroom, 9 high-speed lifts, a 50-seat theatre, terrace gardens, swimming pool, spa, health centre, a temple, and a snow room that spits out snowflakes from the walls.[9][10]

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