2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I literally know nothing except googling for a few minutes but seems like there some quite tropical/white sand/reef islands out there that I imagine are pretty removed from mainland and could be awesome for a billionaire palace extravaganza

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Thats…not a picture. It’s from a video game or animated something, or just an artists interpretation.


The Sims 4: Guantanamo Pack


Might not be a good bargain for you.

Although if you waited and timed it right before the nursing home your family tree may be pretty pleased with the arrangement

I think i missed the joke. Had part of a friends homemade edible and stared at that photo for way too long trying to figure it out :joy:

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How about: you get $x. You have 6 months to purchase contiguous property with it and can keep the rest. Then you can’t ever leave your property.

How high does x have to be to accept?

Canada is a snap accept.

Florida and India is a begrudgingly accept. A billion dollars is a lot of money.

This is a stupid hypothetical and only works if you have a really flawed idea of India.

Insert “Maine” into this hypothetical and if the answer becomes obvious then you’re probably racist.


Don’t think it’s racist. Obviously India is a less developed country than America so there would be some significant economic differences. There are obvious cultural differences too.

I think the point is that the billion dollars wipes out any difference, at least that’s how I interpreted it.

Are we sure it’s not real?

The reasons India would be worse than Maine for me are: it is more difficult for my friends and family to travel to visit me, and it is without debate a tough place for women.


$10 million and $1 billion are all the same to me for purposes of this hypothetical and what’s the point of being a ten millionaire if you are stuck somewhere you don’t want to be for the rest of your life?

You could make the question Australia, and I still think some people don’t take it just because they don’t want to live on the other side of the world and be stuck in one place (even a fairly big place) for the rest of their lives

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The difference is the good you can do with $1b.

If someone gave me a billion dollars, but I could never leave the United States, that would be real tough call too.

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For $1billion, you could build a massive compound and make anyone who wanted your charity dollars come visit and keep you company. Like the drug dealer that makes you hang out and play video games.

That’s what EPCOT’s for


Traveling is great but with a country as large and varied as USA from both geographic and cultural/food standpoints gotta easily take the billion and stuck in USA IMHO. Being confined to one state harder but I still think plenty of reasonable options for that when comes to having a billion dollars