2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Vaporized by a nuclear bomb?


Iā€™m sure the turbulence was as bad as they say but both the chart and the 6,000 ft loss described in the article arenā€™t great representations of it. The tight N-looking spike in the middle seems like when the injuries likely occurred so a good chart would zoom in on that, but I doubt the fidelity of the data is good enough to make that interesting. Even the slope of the spikes (representing vertical velocity) isnā€™t impressive on its own. The most extreme looks to be roughly what an airplane will aim to sustain on takeoff. Obviously the second derivative of the chart would show the forces on the passengers so there are a few spots on the chart that look like they would be rough but most of that 84 seconds looks ok.

I also looked up the track log and found the 6,000 ft loss of altitude described. Itā€™s a steady decent and the airplane levels off at 31,000 ft so thatā€™s clearly just a planned descent looking for a better ride and/or preparing to land.


What if the decapitee has an LVAD?

Hmmm I think a better question would be if itā€™s a death every time you get beamed up in Star Trek.

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Would still stop because there wouldnā€™t be any blood flow after a very short period of time. The device would still whirr though. Thereā€™s still heart activity that has to happen when you get an lvad

Probably relies on the definition of your brain pattern in the transporter buffer. If that pattern is considered ā€œaliveā€ then transporter travel is a series of ā€œconsciousness transfersā€ not destructive copy-paste procedures. It would have been an interesting story line finding an alien species whose consciousness doesnā€™t continue when theyā€™ve been beamed up, but results in some kind of amnesiac victim.

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the videos from the flight are horror movie material.


brother stumped me today: you get $1,000,000,000, but the second you accept, youā€™re flown to India and can never leave.

had me seriously scratching my head. i can fly whoever i want to visit/stay, but even if i give back the money i can never leave.

fuck haha

Arenā€™t there some pretty elite tropical islands/beaches in India? With that kind of cash could probably build yourself Zuck style Hawaii estate for you and everyone you care about and import in chefs of whatever food your missing IMO

Iā€™m 60 years old and financially comfortable. Why would I want to spend my retirement years in India?

Your secret infatuation with Bolllywood?

i figured. iā€™d have to research billionaire life in india before i could agree. 20-30 years from now that shit might be a global warming hellscape.

also, a large part of the billionaire dream is traveling, for me at least.


I think I would probably conclude that I could do a LOT of good with that kind of money and accept the sacrifice of never being able to leave India. But it would be a sacrifice.


How much for you to accept the same deal, but with Florida instead of India?

$20 mill and a beach house?

just asked my gf, she said no to india bc sheā€™s a woman. fair enough, what about canada?

mansion outside toronto/montreal, lake house(s), but no tropical weather for the rest of my billionaire life man i dunno. i probably would do canada, not being able to leave might cause problems down the road though.

There might be an island somewhere. But Iā€™ve seen both sides of Southern India and the beaches were nothing to write home about.

The Bay of Bengal side that I saw in Pondicherry was dingy and looked polluted. From what my Indian coworkers said, itā€™s all like that over there.

The Arabian Sea side (Goa, Varkala) was a little better but still not super nice, and you got to watch fishermen lifting up their sarongs to poop in the water throughout the day.

If I had to stay in India, Iā€™d look for somewhere in the mountains.

yeah, iā€™m out.


Thatā€™s a hell of a picture.

Sure just dump those boxes of legal briefs among the cacti. And the cat just chilling.

It looks like a Sims game with a bunch of random elements come to life.