2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Good advertising, bad branding

This is spot on. Wasnā€™t the iPod branding ā€œ1000
Songs in your pocketā€ or something like that?

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Honestly, I think the Apple ad is just a distraction from the real issue here - that the iPad really isnā€™t all that thin. I mean, it may be thinner then other iPads, but it still could be thinner. I like my pads real thin; the thinner the better.

Could also have wings. I remember when pad commercials showed wings, and blue fluid. Yeah wings and blue fluid.

This is a good read. I didnā€™t know about this groupā€™s efforts.

I did this, lost the weight, kept the apnea

Fucking annoying

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Iā€™m currently waiting for results from a home sleep study. I honestly hope I have apnea because it would explain how tired I am and the headaches. If itā€™s not apnea I have to keep looking.

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Ya I know it in many cases isnā€™t a cure. My wife reports less snoring(which is hopeful I guess) so I may at least try to get down to my target weight and get a new sleep study done to see.

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Fixing my sleep apnea is one of the best things Iā€™ve done. Iā€™m a better father and husband because of it, I hadnā€™t even realized how tired and shitty I got until I wasnā€™t tired and grumpy anymore


Same here, its a huge plus, I just need to fix this issue. Ill try that strap that was listed above


This is you not grumpy?



A question on a separate issue for @CaffeineNeeded:

I recently underwent a YAG procedure, and I was so impressed with the young physician that I wrote a letter to his hospital group to compliment his work and to tell them they should try to keep good, young docs like these on staff. I received a personalized note in return.

Do hospital higher-ups even care about a letter like this?

Not addressed to me but when has that ever stopped anyone. As a visitor I have seen complimentary notes and letters posted in the ICU. Idk about the higher ups but the staff is certainly appreciative. Sometimes people bring in food or treats for them too. That might rate higher idk.


I did cc a copy of my letter to the physician directly, and he did write back a nice reply. But I was hoping it might make a difference for the doctor regarding bonuses, reupping at contract time, etc.

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Hospital higher-ups donā€™t give a shit, but theyā€™re likely completely separate from this physicians practice. I guarantee you made their day, and if theyā€™re part of a group of physicians, it likely got noticed.

I donā€™t get kudos like this very often (insert sick burn here), but I store those memories and go back to them all the time.


Even at an HMO like Kaiser, to which I belong?

Would guess they care more about the survey stuff they send out tbh.

Hospital leadership is separate from the doctors even in a system like Kaiser. Technically, the Kaiser docs, hospitals and insurance are all separate entities.

Iā€™m sure that the Optho group they work in got a kick out of it though.

I took my first ever ride in an ambulance this morning. I woke up with stomach cramps and headed for the toilet. I passed out on the bathroom floor. I laid there for 30-45 minutes because every time Iā€™d try to get up Iā€™d start to pass out again. So my wife, who found me half conscious and half naked on the bathroom floor, called 911. I ended up with watery diarrhea and vomitted twice also.

They didnā€™t really figure anything out. Their best theory is a vagal response to my gi symptoms. But I get to wear a heart monitor for the next 2 weeks now and got referred to a cardiologist.


I really donā€™t know the communication works in a hospital. It sounds like you assume that the hospital obviously sent a copy to the Chief of Optho?