2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

cosplaying betty draper


Is TradDad a thing? If not, thinking about starting a tiktok


ā€œA large previously contained nearly as much caffeine as the FDAā€™s daily safe limit.ā€

This ainā€™t that much imo.

Iā€™m not studying or aware of this supposed movement but I say definitely not that. Pretty sure itā€™s someone who stays home all day, is probably a closet pill/alcohol abuser, deals with the kids, cooks, cleans, does 95% of the parenting while the husband works, then goes out to the bar/golf course, gets drunk, comes home after the kids are in bed and expects everything to be up to their standards. Probably also throw in some sexual requirements like you will please me when I want it and you better not complain.

or yeah Betty Draper seems like a good comp.


Today on Reddit:



As if at this point we needed more evidence that weā€™re just in some immature assholeā€™s simulation.


Someone reversed the ad and it works way better. Sends the same message but in a much more positive manner.





Would be interesting to see a graph of approval rating of the Apple Ad vs lifetime minutes spent watching videos of hydraulic presses crushing various shit


A tiktok whwre you work 8-5, come home to a martini and ignore/hit your children sounds pretty dull imo

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Athleticism is definitely not the issue. Have you seen what some of the best players (besides Ronaldo and Salah with his 12 pack) look like?

Vinicius, Harry Kane, Messi, Modric, Bernardo, Foden, Bruno, etc

Thatā€™s my life in a nutshell, except I donā€™t have kids or a spouse. Itā€™s pretty great tbh.


The Apple ad is effective because this is the first time Iā€™ve been aware of a new iPad release basically since the first iPad. And 1600 nits sounds super impressive.

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Any CPAP users? Im kind of at a loss on what to do next. My wife says that every night I inevitably roll my face into my pillow and the seal on my nasal pillows breaks, makes an ā€œairplane taking off noiseā€ and either wakes her up or keeps her from sleeping.

When I check my machine stats in the morning, it always says the same thing. Incidences around 1 per hour, and my mask seal was excellent last night. These breaks never wake me up and must fix themselves quickly as I am able to sleep through the night, but the initial burst is hard for her.

Iā€™ve tried changing the way I sleep (from side to back, which sucks and hurts my back but I gave it a shot.) Ive reposittioned my pillow so my entire face is hanging off and only my head is being supported. She says I inevitably wind up with my nose pressing against the pillow and breaking the seal no matter what changes I make.

Im at a loss. Ive tried full face masks but those seem to come off even easier. Its incredibly frustrating as I clearly have no control over what happens to my body and face after I fall asleep.

Im going to probably end up buying the Phillips dreamstation headset with the hose plug at the top and a more full face cushion to ser if that helps. Maybe without the hose coming out the bottom of the headset, it wont pull away from the nose when I shift.

I have a bipap, and sometimes my seal breaks but I canā€™t figure out rhyme or reason. Most nights itā€™s fine, other nights I canā€™t keep a seal at all. Might be a mask issue/mask adjustment issue.

CPAPs suck and itā€™s insane that this is the most commonly used solution for a very common problem. I have similar problems to the point of frustration. Falling asleep with the mask is easy for me but staying asleep is my problem as I am also a restless sleeper and keeping the mask seal through the night is a problem.

I asked about the implant surgery option and was told my apnea wasnā€™t bad enough for insurance to pay for it.

Probably stupid but Iā€™ve committed to losing some weight(down 25 pounds) at this point and ditching the machine.


Have you tried a more robust head strap? Properly fitted headgear is super important for maintaining a good seal. My dad uses something like this that goes on over his nasal mask and straps, but his has two additional bands I think.

Eta: looks like itā€™s called an anti-leak strap.

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