2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Well I would prefer these guys get taxed everywhere the same.

Facebook figured out that I like gorillas, so now itā€™s pushing softcore monkey torture porn on me. Awesome.

Where was I iust reading about youtube channels that post legit monkey torture videos? Like CIA black ops site stuff. Some sick fucks keep a bunch of monkeys as pets, torture them and release the videos like itā€™s the latest video game review or something.


The videos featured ā€œamong other things, the torture, murder, and sexually sadistic mutilation of animals, specifically, juvenile and adult monkeys,ā€ according to a release. One of the videos apparently shows a young monkey dying after being trapped in a jar of ants, being sodomized.

I posted a story about it upthread. Spoiler alert the ringleader is a MAGA guy.

Although now seeing your link that may have actually been a DIFFERENT monkey torture network.

yay humanity

But they ainā€™t going for that. They seem to think us peasants should love their presence or something.
So Iā€™d at least like that they know that I say fuck off!

Yeah this stuff is so depressing. And the fact that the algorithm has decided to show me gateway drug to monkey torture. One video has a monkey being constricted by a snake, itā€™s unclear if the monkey gets away, but the monkey is clearly looking to the person filming to come save him the entire time.

I have to click the video to get to the ā€œSee less oftenā€ link. Somehow I suspect me clicking the video is having a bigger impact on the algorithm than clicking see less often.

The monkeys had to just be a proxy for sadists/psychopaths who want to torture humans but know those videos could actually land them in jail.

I donā€™t know where to put this absolute gem


Someone setting up a system that suppresses votes and it actually working is a gem!

4 * 14 * 11-14 * 31-14 * 13-21-14 * ?



Am I biased, or can you identify a lot of MAGA chuds just by looking at them?

That guy has GNC regional manager written all over him.


My read on that image is a man who has absolutely no confidence at all in his masculinity, but desperately wants other people to think he is very confident. One snarky comment from a teenage girl will send this guy into a spiral, thatā€™s for sure.

Itā€™s hard to tell sometimes. I look full-on white supremacist. Big, bald, goatee, cargo pantsā€¦ the whole package. Iā€™m only missing the wraparound sunglasses. One thing about the way I look, it encourages people to share some pretty deplorable views out of the blue. Helps me gauge people quickly.

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I think just being white male gets you about 90% of the way there tbh. Iā€™m a very generic white guy and the shit I hear just from people at bars and Uber drivers can be pretty wild

You folks have white uber drivers?

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I havenā€™t taken a lot of uber/lyft, but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever had a white driver. Possibly none that were born in the United States.

I actually use lyft but I doubt itā€™s different. I get white guys all the time and can think of 2 instances in the last month alone

This is what I tell myself

ā€œI hope nobody looks at me and thinks ā€˜that guyā€™s racistā€™ but if they did, I mean cmon, I would understand the confusion, I do look very similar to your avg white supremacistā€

Oh man and I got what is, not exaggerating, the worst haircut of my adult life a few weeks ago. The result was like an attempted military high-and-tight while leaving the top long enough to push to the side a bitā€¦ basically exactly like some of the shitty Nazi haircuts you see these days. Iā€™ve been so afraid that people assume Iā€™m a Nazi.

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