2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I had a white guy who got all grumpy when I very jovially tried to talk to him drunk at 2am. Dude, if you’re driving at 2am you’re gonna have to deal with some drunks.

Other than that I’d say 10% white, 30% black, 30% Hispanic, 30% other non-white. And 30% women (mixed across the groups).

the last uber i was in the middle aged white guy driver kept talking to me about how he had to ditch his Filipina fiance still in the phillipines because she got fat during covid. and that he was just here earning enough money to go back and get another one because his daughters dont talk to him anymore. and how he doesn’t understand why women in this country don’t treat their men better. it was like a complete caricature. i couldn’t get him to shut up.

it doesn’t help me that i probably physically look like i would sympathize with his causes. big cornfed white dude with a longer beard

Yeah when I go back on the road I’m trying to do something to alleviate this. Racist dipshit expats want to feel me out to see if I’m cool with their race war theories. And nice normal people shy away a bit, worried I might be one of the racist expats.

I’m not shaving the beard. But I am thinking about wearing a lot of rainbow hippy clothing, or something that sets me apart from the Harley-riding-Trumper-expat-sex-tourist-crowd.

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yeah. if i’m just running errands or something and i dont style the beard it tends to give much more duck dynasty than i’d like.

The key is not to have a goatee. But that doesn’t always hold.

Get some Dark Brandon and watermelon shirts in your rotation.

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I wear a lot of super-hero themed t-shirts. Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc. I am not remotely into comics, but I like that it signals I’m just a big harmless geek.

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I’ve worn prescription glasses ever since middle school. I think that a pretty good (although not foolproof) anti-derp signal.

that’s probably 99% of how i’ve always pictured riverman in my head :innocent:


Do a red suit guy that gets killed in the first 5 minutes.

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Honestly? Not a bad idea for a Star Wars party.

lol great minds. I literally bought Spock ears to wear. Those are my whole costume.

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Weird thought I just had, are Gen-X and Millennials the only generations that really embraced sarcasm and irony? Boomers can do a little sarcasm, but they don’t get irony at all. And Gen-Z seems like they don’t really do either.

Or am I just being a piss-ass?

When the Alanis hits

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Blows my mind that the thumbs-up emoji is interpreted as sarcastic by Gen-Z kids.

They’re the ones who have grown up in a postmodern reality.

Family tool teacher on a week long vacation.

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