2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


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This made me sad. Life really is shittier now.


Been trying to move back into this direction lately. Got a Kindle reader so I no longer read on my smartphone and get tempted by a bunch of other stuff. At home keep my phone tethered to my charger and only look at it in that spot. Usage down a couple hours a day already.

Still a long way to go, but baby stepsā€¦


Being online all the time beats carrying around 5-10 books everywhere I go.

I donā€™t carry the thing around. At work I dump it in the corner and leave it. Same at home; leave it in the charging spot.
Zero notifications - Iā€™ll dictate when my attention goes to it.

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In the end life is all about anus.

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I quitted smoking a year ago when price of camel pack reached 10ā‚¬. At first I used an e-cig but then I got a steady supply of snus from a friend who travels to Sweden biweekly. Price of monthly nicotine consumption went from 450ā‚¬ to 50ā‚¬.

Isnt Snus more likely to give you cancer than cigs?


There are no studies (that I know of) that show if snus causes cancer


Iā€™ve had snus shipped direct to the US for over 20 years. Currently around 3.25 a can. General has a pretty strong retail presence here now, but it costs double and itā€™s not always refrigerated properly.


Boo Chris Pratt, boo.

I donā€™t know. Iā€™m OK with it. Maybe I donā€™t appreciate old architecture as much as I should.

The old house looked kind of cool, but I wouldnā€™t want to live in it.

More like Chris Brat right?

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Oh noes, anus cancer here I come

I use Lundgrens skƄne stark mainly. The pouch material is best in the market and drip is non-existent.

Wait thatā€™s totally Bojackā€™s house right

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The living room and backyard for sure. Doesnt seem like its on a hill like Bojacks though