2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

This was pretty funny.

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Ok now we need a model and spreadsheets on the odds of recessive traits arising from first cousin marriage.

Now what if their parents are first cousins as well?

There’s definitely an equilibrium here as well. You’re more closely related to your offspring if you’re also related to the other parent, so your genes will be better represented if you inbreed. Obviously, too much inbreeding harms the fitness of your offspring though. Maybe optimally you want to marry your third cousin or something like that?

No, we do not need to figure this out. You’re just going to have to satisfy yourself with step porn.

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If someone burns down MS headquarters in WA, just want to say that it wasn’t me.


It might be me. Worst company of all time. New outlook is the single worst program ever coded.

Don’t you guys have snus / nicotine pouches? I stopped smoking two years ago when price of a camel pack reached a tenner. Nicorette is the worst. Snusing ever since, beats the alternatives.

Anyone try the suno song making AI?

Lots of fun.

I made us a song.

@suzzer99 @clovis8 @NotBruceZ


lol awesome

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Snus is rare in the US, but if it’s like chewing tobacco there is an elevated cancer risk. I actually use chewable lozenges and not nicorette. I get them from Costco and a month’s supply is about $60.

Going to be an insufferable deluge of “see mass killings can happen with knives” social media for a couple days.

I misread snus / nicotine pouch as anus / nicotine pouch at first. I was like what are you up to?


Facebook pitching me a bed of nails now.

Still got a ways to go to beat out the Dutch East India Company, the Dutch West Indies Company, the various companies of the transatlantic slave trade, and Nestle. I’m not even sure Microsoft is the worst tech company of all time.

Measured by how much they make my life worse it’s not close.

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Why is that listed under “politics”
