2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

to be fair, that convo happened on the phone before the interview was to happen. not like he was blowing it in his face. from that article, seems like that’s his podcast’s thing, he interviews people while smoking weed.

everyone’s sobriety is different, but i certainly wouldn’t care if someone smoked or drank while they interviewed me.


Good friend of mine who I grew up with tried to go after Bill Maher at a random party in LA close to 20 years ago. I can’t remember the specifics of what happened leading up to this but it involved women. Way out of character for him. My friend is the nicest guy you can imagine. I have assumed bill Maher is a jerk ever since.

The only thing I have heard about him on that front is that he dates way younger than he is, but still way above legal.

But obviously you’ve got way better sources than I do.

I thought we had a thread for this but I couldn’t find it. Maybe it goes back far enough it was at a previous place. Anyway it still feels like :person_shrugging: to me.

I remain fascinated by this whole Havana thing, I’m genuinely on the fence. It seems plausible that some rf beam could produce these effects, but also it seems plausible that it’s all some weird psychological event, or else a bunch of people are randomly sick with the same illness.


It’s interesting but they still aren’t clear on what the weapon even is. Microwave or ultrasound? How does it work? How is it employed? Is it bigger than a breadbox? There’s no concrete evidence. Might as well be UFOs.

Idk about the Russian angle either. The FSB assassins we know about seem like a bunch of clods but these 29155 guys are somehow relatively competent?


I hate April fools day. Worst idea ever is a world already filled with misinformation. I don’t find any of them funny at all.


It’s funny because of people like you.

Wow. I think this means you really love April Fools and are trying to trick us.

Well played.


9 months of severance seems decent? What am I missing?

i assumed the annoyance from people on twitter when i first saw it was a “x for thee but not for me” type thing. these consultants would 100% recommend their clients layoff as many employees as possible, with the least possible severance possible and fight them on that front… but when it’s the consultants themselves 9months of pay plus help during your job search. also their entire business plan is just to rentseek…

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Speaking of layoffs, this was me:

In even funnier news, I have an interview today with an engineering consulting company. The company I would be consulting at? Stellantis. The nature of my role? THE SAME FUCKING JOB I WAS JUST LAID OFF FROM.

Let’s say you’re an auto company that wants to transition from Internal Combustion to EVs over a period of about 5 years.

Do you a) slowly wind down your ICE applications, transitioning engineering staff to EVs as that work ramps up. Possibly conducting layoffs/hires only as necessary to maintain the proper technical knowledge in house. Or

b) Lay off everyone with knowledge of internal combustion engines, including an entire team of people and their manager that are working on critical work for 25-27MY vehicles you are planning on selling with engines. Then immediately hire those people back after they’ve been employed by a consulting firm to come in and finish the work, paying the consulting firm 2.5x per hour that you were paying them on roll?

I never went to business school but I’m struggling to find the case for option b.

Also, do any lawbros know if there may be a case for age discrimination here? The company tends to put us older folks on the older engine/transmission programs. It makes sense from an operational standpoint. It takes new kids coming out of school 6 months to a year to really get up to speed and be that productive. So those guys mostly get the new projects that we’d have to learn anyways. So we just keep working on the stuff we can do with our eyes closed, and reduce the company wide ramp-up time for new employees. Our reward for being good soldiers and holding down the fort on old the old technology, allowing the young kids to get the new cool stuff? Cast aside like numbers on a fucking sheet of paper. We had a team of 10 people. 5 were working on ICE applications and got axed. 4 of the 5 oldest, all of us the only 4 over 40 years old, got axed. Yeah company wide it was 400 people but in this small window, it seems fucked up. I probably hosed any chance of a suit when I signed my severance, but I guess I have a few days to “un-sign” it if someone thinks I have a slam dunk age discrimination case, unfortunately even then I really need that $$$.

Oh well. Fuck these heartless corporations. I’m going full mercenary now and will just chase money with zero loyalty to any of these fucks.


That sucks, I’m sorry. It’s astounding how incompetent senior managers are in megacorps.


This is the secret. No company shall ever get my loyalty again


Since Peugeot took over that place has been a shit show. Chrysler/FCA/Stellantis was never a particularly tightly run ship but these guys kicked it up an order of magnitude. It’s very clear they are only $$ focused and give zero fucks about finding the right quality of people. They have been engaged in massive amount of offshoring and outsourcing of work. It’s gone about as well as expected. These outsourced project might work out OK for now because they are getting a lot of institutional knowledge back, but in the future that will not be the case.

They are the posterchild for managers who think you can put 9 women in a room and get a baby in a month.


And it’s not like I was even loyal in the sense that I felt like I owed them anything beyond my work for my paycheck. But they just said “fuck all y’all” because of the specific project we happened to be assigned to at the time of downsizing with absolutely zero regard to our specific value as employees.

I’ve worked for a company that had to downsize before. It sucked, but when the financial stability of the company is at stake and tough decisions had to be made, we did it. We rounded up the bottom 10% or so of employees, paid them a severance, and let them go. We also brought back who we could when we could when things turned around. These fuckers made me sign something saying I could never be employed directly by them ever again.

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it’s in the firm’s interest to give them a good deal because most of them will be finding jobs “in Industry” and will probably be hiring a consulting firm in the future

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Man, I worked for Accenture for a while and I don’t think I’d ever hire them now.