2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

You can still do this. Almost no one checks anything.

Good companies do their due diligence. But they optimistically assume you’re not lying and wait until they hire you. A company I worked for fired someone a couple weeks after hiring him for lying on his CV.

Yea I would assume some places actually check. However I bet a lot don’t. I’m also in the construction world. Almost no one is checking anything unless job sites require background check.

My mom told me a story about getting a job at k mart in the 70s. Application asked if you had a highschool degree. She didn’t and checked no. Her friend also didn’t have a degree and checked yes. They both got hired but my mom’s friend got fired because apparently they checked. Kmart didn’t like liars! I love my mom but I think her friend didn’t show up or something and just made that excuse up.

I wasn’t talking a position, I wasn’t following why an accelerating pace of technological change would occur during (lead to?) less social change (to be clear we’re talking about the 60s to the 90s versus the 90s to the 2020s). I’m guessing the reason for less change is the end of the cold war and that the civil rights changes of the 60s were normalized by the 90s.

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Junior year of college I got a job as a busboy at Casa Gallardo Grill in St. Louis. When I showed up for training there were two groups of people and they said “servers over here, busboys over here” and that’s how I got a server job with no experience.


Reminds me of this short (5mim) story from a recent Moth podcast episode.



Those of you going back in time to bet on sports - are you also going to try to derail the Back to the Future franchise? I would be a little worried about those films inadvertently blowing your cover.

Also, how bad were bookies in the 70s? How much money do you think you can get down when you never lose?

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Also the idea that every sports event would play out exactly the same is pretty suspect. You’re changing stuff by going back, so eventually those changes would make a difference in the outcome of a whole host of things.

Get a job on the BTTF crew and convince thrm to stick with Stoltz. BTTF 2 never happens. Problem solved.

Yes, that’s the Biff Tannen problem. Thats why I have to be sure that my changes wont affect things, or left door is a huge no way

That’s a good point actually. It may be that your attempt to derail the Back to the Future movies might alter history in unpredictable ways such that you can no longer predict sporting events with confidence. Hey, maybe Back to the Future 2 was actually written by a time traveling bookie who was trying to thwart the efforts of the time traveling bettor that will eventually take him for a fortune.

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I ran a pencil football,league where I had a pencil for every nfl team and then would do an entire schedule determining each game’s winner by drawing a pencil.

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I was going to say, our world now is not that jarring as a lot of sci-fi touched on many aspects. We don’t have flying cars though.

This goes to the deal. What kind of history and Bonafides do you have going backward or forward? Do you have a college degree, any sort of credit history? (Although credit was more independent fifty years ago). What kind of history would you have period? Would people assume you are a pioneer in witness protection?

We do have prototypes of flying cars. I think you’d have to go back over 100 years for what we have now to seem magical to people in the past.

Like, if you went to the 1927 Solvay conference on physics in your cyber truck and showed them videos taken by nuclear powered interplanetary space probes on your iPhone, Einstein et al. would have no trouble understanding how that shit works.

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Isn’t moving on the ground one of the defining qualities of a car? Otherwise we do have flying cars we just call them planes.

I used to walk a couple miles across town to my friends’ houses just hoping they’d be there and we could go do some mischievous shit, seems insane looking back on it but it’s all we knew.


that’s one of those things that makes you think about how calling someone and asking “where are you?” is a relatively new idea. because up until cell phones if you called them you knew exactly where they were.

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Probably said this before, but Biff (Tom Wilson) is in the local high school hall of fame.

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