2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Americans… Sigh.

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Don’t forget they are created “Shepherd’s Torte.”

I heard it tastes like feet

Had no idea this was so expensive, even before the price hikes


To fly her family — a small but loyal troop of one German shepherd, one Australian kelpie and three cats — from Louisville, Ky., to London this September, it will cost Ms. Abell countless hours of research, loads of paperwork and an estimated $4,300 just in cargo fees. To help save for it, she is cutting a range of costs, including reducing bills, eliminating meals out and forgoing certain entertainment.

Despite her efforts, Ms. Abell is worried that price tag may increase.

IAG Cargo, the cargo-handling arm of multiple airlines that Ms. Abell is using to transport her animals, recently announced it was raising its prices along some routes beginning March 1.

Ms. Cirone, who was notified of the cost increase last week, said customers would begin feeling the squeeze on their wallets in a few weeks. Before the increases, shipping a cat or a small dog using her company’s services would cost about 1,200 British pounds, or about $1,500, Ms. Cirone said. Now, that price has risen to 3,500 pounds, or about $4,400.

Owners of larger dogs will feel an even bigger pinch. To fly a Labrador now might cost 3,000 pounds, Ms. Cirone said. “With the new tariff,” she said, “you’re looking closer to 11,000 to 12,000 pounds,” or about $15,000.

In many countries it’s almost impossible.

We had ministers threatening to shoot Johnny Depp’s dogs when he illegally flew them into Australia via private jet…

I call bull. The expression was definitely around well before 1998. They just found their first knowledge of it in print.

Yeah I used the term before 1998.

Well I distinctly remember the first time I heard it and then it seemed like it was everywhere overnight. I think sometimes with these things it just feels like it’s been around forever.

etymology - When did "Happy ending" get used as a euphemism? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange.


I’ve been following this trial and am glad to see this woman found guilty. 81 mph through a residential area. She didn’t even stop after she hit the two boys.

Then she pulled all kinds of nonsense at the trial trying to wriggle out of it. Just a straight up depraved human being who’s clearly led a privileged, consequence-free life to this point. Rot in jail.

Scott Erickson (ex-MLB pitcher who she was dating and following closely as they sped through the neighborhood) was just as culpable imo. He saw the boys in the crosswalk and swerved out of the way at the last second, which probably didn’t give her enough time to react.

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God I hate Microsoft so much.

Every video I play now on any player and any platform the audio and video are out of sync. Tried all the normal stuff to fix it and some ideas online.

Anyone have any ideas for me?

I use VLC which never has any trouble but it’s out of sync too.

Fixed it. Had to turn of fast boot. Just lol.

Nobody in history has ever been as bad at anything as Microsoft is at every single thing they do. They make trump look competent.

It’s amazing that Erickson gets off without even a slap on the wrist even though he was doing the same thing, lol results orientation.

“Prosecutors also alleged that Grossman traveled a third of a mile after slamming into the children before safety features in her car automatically shut it down.”

Lol what? Seems like these “features” are not worth anything at all.

I haven’t been paying super-close attention, but yeah they really pulled out all the stops. Turns out running over children while speeding in broad daylight after drinking is something for which millionaires can still be convicted. Sorry lady, next time try to be a billionaire.

Also her daughter sounds like a chip off the ol’ block, yelling at the family of the dead children after the verdict. Real nice.

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This guy cannot stop telling on himself


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The features detected a crash and shut down the fuel line.

FYI the scam is that you just send money back to them in a new transaction, and you’re now on the hook for whatever bullshit is happening

That’s what I assumed was going to happen, but they never reached out to ask me to do that.

Ackman’s 77-page letter demanding Business Insider retract articles about his wife is actually worth reading.



This is almost every day with T-Mobile.