2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Obviously in order to be more careful you should ask them to close your accounts permanently and see if they know the URL for Etsy…

lol I know, silly me

I went ahead and closed that account.

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Damn that was a lot better than my friend’s experience. Someone opened a PayPal account with his email address (which is apparently somehow possible w/o verifying the email), and he started getting all kinds of notices.

He’s never had a PayPal account and doesn’t want one. But before they’ll do anything about the account with his email on it, they want him to send proof of his own identity. He’s like fuck that, and they keep going round and round. He’s not the kind of person who deals with this stuff well. I think it’s taken a year off his life.


Also. Random tangent. Watching an old friends episode that talks about Ross being in the friend zone with Rachel. Felt fairly unoriginal, but apparently the episode basically invented/popularized the phrase

Edit. What do Friends, Shakespeare and the Beatles have in common.

Three people that have never been in my kitchen.


you have to understand/be willing to accept that you are likely going to get taken to the station and/or lockup temporarily, but i would always respectfully say no to any kind of portable breathalyzer or test.

and #shutthefuckup friday. everything you say can be used against you, and nothing you say can be compelled to be brought forth in your defense.

Isn’t failure to submit to a breathalyzer an automatic license suspension in most states?

gonna depend on the jurisdiction some places have implied consent when you get a license and some don’t. also in a lot of jurisdiction your license is an entirely separate proceeding that you have to apply for a hearing for or you waive your objections. in mine its fine print on the ticket that you have 30 days from the ticket, which could be a month or more before your criminal court date for the ticket.

but your license is also getting suspended if you get a DUI anyway and the pbt’s give them probable cause to help build the DUI case. so if you think there’s a possibility you’d fail i wouldn’t take it.

Yep, Friend zone and something else we use today were basicslly created by the show but I cant remember the second one.

Oh yeah: Meat sweats/Meat coma.

Bff as well. It was out in the world but its the first recorded use on video.

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I would send them an email and do 2 but if you don’t want to I would just ignore it unless you think you will need your PayPal in the future and then I would pay.

I would really send an email explaining that you never had a transaction with this person.

Yes in every state I’ve ever lived.

Not sure if they invented it, but the show Men Behaving Badly is the first time I heard of getting a “happy ending” after a massage.

Ive never even heard of Men Behaving Badly

we may also not be talking about the same thing. i should have been more clear. i’m talking about the portable or “preliminary” breath test that the officer on scene makes you blow in… that isn’t the same thing as refusing to take the real breathalyzer device at the stations or a chemical test.

most states including the one i live in differentiate between the two. you should never take the one the cops give you on the road. refusing to take a pbt is voluntary in my jurisdiction and probably is in most.

Sorry I think it was Secret Lives of Men. Maybe. Some name like that.

The time I got arrested with two friends we got arrested with multiple police units, a helicopter and police dogs. My friends were begging and pleading for forgiveness. I said nothing. The cops started saying I must be high on pot because I am not talking. Was completely sober, but didn’t say anything. We all ended up with the same result due to privilege and money.

That was a show. It was a high profile new comedy but I think it only lasted a season.

Goddammit now I think it was The Mind of the Married Man. All these shows with similar names!

Yeah here it is: The Mind of the Married Man - Wikipedia

Micky seems peeved when Donna doesn’t “get” a joke he heard at the bar about oral sex and The Three Stooges - but is it just a cover for what is really upsetting him? Jake ends his office affair with Ilene, and Doug seeks to curtail his wife Carol’s excessive spending. With Micky continuing to fantasize about Missy, Jake decides the best thing for his friend is a visit to the Tokyo massage parlor for a full-body rubdown - complete with an optional “happy ending.”

This was the first time I heard happy ending in this context. Dictionary.com says it came from an Australian massage parlor in 1998. So not too much earlier than this in 2001.

I remember watching the episode and thinking “that’s clever”, then seemingly overnight happy ending was part of the lexicon.

Hooray for not totally losing my mind/memory yet.

I had a $4 patron charge accidentally apply to a $5k Paypal credit card I don’t use. Because I don’t check PayPal statements, this resulted in $50 fees, cancellation of the card, and a black mark on my credit. When I finally saw what was happening the nice young woman from India with zero discretion in her job disregarded the fact that this resulted from a $4 charge and I had been a customer for ten years with no issues. She welcomed me to reapply for a new card. Fuck PayPal.

LLM hasn’t learned rainbow text?