2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

The random number is drawn from a distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, but is bounded by -infinity and +infinity.

oh, duh, that makes more sense

Here is a fun one I just heard. Let’s say I take a random number between 0 and 1 and take the square root. Then I take two random numbers between 0 and 1 and take the higher of the two.

How do these two processes compare?

They’re the same thing

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Never heard of him.

Taylor Swift’s boyfriend’s brother.


…and former professional footballer (American) where he took repeated head injury inducing collisions.

Dumb. if first picked number is far from zero i simply bet the other would be closer to zero. Thanks for nothing, math nerds

An NFL player is a meathead? Holy crap, this is big news.


There’s a fairly long history of experts not being able to accept that simple statistical algorithms outperform them. Before AI. Before moneyball. Someday I’ll look up that one paper. Maybe even read it.

Another fan of Matt Parker, perhaps?

This is from a few weeks ago:

or, or…he knows he can get negative engagement from us math losers and he’s an evil meathead savant



They are both probability of success in two tries, don’t need a YouTube video for that :smiley:

In before someone tells me I’m horribly wrong and I should’ve watched

Coates boils it down so well. Worth watching for final 2 min. Just cuts through all the crap and nails it.

His book comes to my house tmw I think, can’t wait to read it

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Me too.