2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Apparently there were living quarters in two different stations, and 8K was for the one that was not being used as a full-time apartment, so I wonder if it was literally just a room.


couldn’t they stay forever as squatters? shoulda got something mailed there.



It’s has its own Wikipedia page that is not short.

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Breaking news Maher is a huge dick

I remain astonished Maher didn’t get #metoo’d. He was a Playboy mansion regular and I heard some rumblings.

Fuck you McKinsey, Bain, BCG et al.


Mahr is the distillation of Boomer politics. Fuck your recovery, why shouldn’t I be able to blow marijuana in your face like a college sophomore who thinks smoking weed makes me cool.

I wonder if they got any external advice on how to handle this downturn.


That’s always been part of the employment offered. Usually it’s 6 months but you get paid to do no client work and transition out of Consulting to working in Industry.

I’d imagine it goes a long way to those people then hiring the consulting firms when they’re working in industry.

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to be fair, that convo happened on the phone before the interview was to happen. not like he was blowing it in his face. from that article, seems like that’s his podcast’s thing, he interviews people while smoking weed.

everyone’s sobriety is different, but i certainly wouldn’t care if someone smoked or drank while they interviewed me.


Good friend of mine who I grew up with tried to go after Bill Maher at a random party in LA close to 20 years ago. I can’t remember the specifics of what happened leading up to this but it involved women. Way out of character for him. My friend is the nicest guy you can imagine. I have assumed bill Maher is a jerk ever since.

The only thing I have heard about him on that front is that he dates way younger than he is, but still way above legal.

But obviously you’ve got way better sources than I do.

I thought we had a thread for this but I couldn’t find it. Maybe it goes back far enough it was at a previous place. Anyway it still feels like :person_shrugging: to me.

I remain fascinated by this whole Havana thing, I’m genuinely on the fence. It seems plausible that some rf beam could produce these effects, but also it seems plausible that it’s all some weird psychological event, or else a bunch of people are randomly sick with the same illness.


It’s interesting but they still aren’t clear on what the weapon even is. Microwave or ultrasound? How does it work? How is it employed? Is it bigger than a breadbox? There’s no concrete evidence. Might as well be UFOs.

Idk about the Russian angle either. The FSB assassins we know about seem like a bunch of clods but these 29155 guys are somehow relatively competent?