2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

That’s some A+ pass coverage


Moody aint got the blues baby

Wtf was that Nerds commercial

No just f***ing no

There were also ‘twisters’ in Twister, nice job

55 yards is Super Bowl record?

Leveraged him too.

30 years later, who thought a Twister sequel was a good idea?

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Paying out the nose for a super bowl commercial during the worst housing market in decades for a house buying website is something I guess

Two actors pitch bad ideas for companies. And we probably learned Homes.com is owned by Apartments.com

I was also wondering how much money the Nerds company has.

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Like 2 decades for anyone that bought near the mortgage bond crisis hit.

Have you not heard of a piece of technology called a DVR?

Romo has said spatial awareness three times in this game.

I just hope they did the James Cameron Aliens pitch and wrote “Twister” on a whiteboard then added a “$” at the end.

At least the VFX and sound have caught up so…


Bwahahqhqhh chefs


Nice pass