2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

mullet bald eagle tho

This very moment I learned I’m rooting for Niners in this game.

Chefs gonna require a ridiculous amount of reffing to pull this out.

How many times will Romo say ‘one of the best in the NFL’ during a Super Bowl?

Parks and Rec all over commercials this year.

Sounds good. Chiefs dirty >>> Chiefs clean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other is the preferred order of outcomes.

Did not have Dan Marino in multiple commercials on my bingo card

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TIL how to pronounce Temu

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Declining that seems wrong.

Maybe they didnt see it?

Oh well ended up in the same exact place.

Excellent execution on that complicated graphic CBS

Sounds good to me too, but I’m not sure that the requisite amount of reffing will be available.

Chefs clean isn’t happening. So looks like it’s gonna be other.

This is like world football. Nobody scores.

My man



That Arnold commercial is the plot line of the one time I worked with Don Adams

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Wtf they get like a 5 break! This ain’t no NHL.

Oh man, he yanked the arm down