2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!


Live by the button masher, die by the button masher.

Campbell lost them this game

Losing a TO there isn’t that big of a deal.

They have to get an onside kick now

Its like a 2% conversion rate

He lost the battle of Halftime Adjustments

lol Campbell doesn’t call the offense good god y’all don’t know ball.

It’s massive. Three and out wasn’t outright likely, but it’s a lot more live than this.

He absolutely has veto power over 4th downs

Guess I didn’t consider they would kick it deep with 60 seconds left regardless

sure, but that wasn’t what was being discussed was it?



Goodnight sweet kitties

Damn I am a bit surprised and bummed it ended this way



I can’t believe we’re discussing whether the dude who went for a 2pt conversion from the 7 is a good coach. I guess he must have improved a lot in the last month.

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Cero miedo.

I feel bad for our UP friends, but…

…GREEEAR is sitting in a Best Buy, about to watch the FOX postgame in front of eight TVs and cry about DEI.


Alright. Firmly hope the officials are all just openly wearing red and yellow in two weeks. I don’t care even a little about whether SF loses fair and square. Keeping them off the Lombardi stage is all that matters.


lmao Your suzzer take was already terrible, now it’s just embarrassing.

Just fucking stop he didn’t. Josh Reynolds lost this game. He drops 2 first downs. He catches those we score some points.