2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

I got Detroit winning this game and then Chefs refballing another SB, ruining the Lion’s fairy tale and becoming the most hated team in football.



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Hark! The call of the yellow-bellied sports fan!

Huh? They got dog walked after Baltimore switched out of whatever terrible genius defense concept they planned for the first two drives. Are you saying they called the dogs off up 14-7 early 2nd quarter b/c that’s impossible to believe.

That’s a quality start right there.

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May have left a little too much time on the clock tho


Niners D getting exposed.

Purdy next.

Lol Niners another completely fraudulent front running team with a bullshit coach.

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Fuck yeah. Too early to get excited, but that’s a wonderful start.

Fucking Beautiful drive


Chiefs punted once in the first half. Turned it over on downs at the B-more 13.

Chiefs were the better team today.

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Sounds like Detroit fans have traveled.

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Yup, more than I expected for sure

that’s opi

Should have been

That Deebo guy is pretty good

Shit, Mahomes would have got 30 yards for that hit