2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

They’re going to score 50

Too easy

Damn the Stealer’s defense looks heinous without Watt and Heyward

should’ve backed up the truck on BUF -9.5 apparently

How is the punter allowed to have a huge ass glove that he just throws on the ground presnap?

That’s a fumble but I’m fully expecting REFBALL

yah. something something whistle

too easy

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lol Stealer’s

What is this, Packers vs. Cowboys?

They should’ve played this yesterday.

Definitely looks like a clean recovery.

JFC the ball obviously bounces off of Friermuth’s helmet.

Obvious fumble and recovery, spin on the ball doesn’t change at all. Refs being refs wanting to be involved in the game.

If you watch it in real time you can see the ball move when it hits the helmet. And I think it hits his hand while he’s OOB too. In slow mo it’s tougher to see the ball move.


Bold take to say that you can see it better in real time than using HD super slow mo frame by frame reply, lulz, but w/e. One more exciting refball game then we get to do it again next weekend!

Wegovy Patricia - still has the pencil and laminated play sheet. Hoo boy

Truly pathetic from the eagles

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lol iggles