2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!


Yep. With that Philly loss we can’t sit everyone. (Not sure he would anyway)

This iteration of the Lions just gets it done.

I am even more convinced that Tua for Browning straight up would be a great deal for the Dolphins.

Any chance Lions can move up to 2 or are they playing Bridgewater next week?

Lions win, Cowboys loss, Eagles loss definitely gives them #2. Might only need the Cowboys loss.

4th and inches from SEA 15ish yardline
commentator: “I’d kick the FG”
Stealers run a QB sneak and get it by a mile
commentator: “That was the right call”


Some awful conservative play calls after that.

Yeah that was some classic Tomlining for sure

I think any play caller that has a slow developing hand-off 3+ yards deep on 4th and 1 should be fired on the spot (along with idiots that slide into first base on force outs).

Has Russell been wearing his helmet the entire game? Every single time they show a shot of him, he has it on.

Horrible intentional grounding call in Cin/KC. Refs really reffing hard in these last weeks

Does everyone still want to fire Mike Tomlin? Still will never have had a losing season, right?

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Looks like tonight’s GB/MIN game is an elimination game (if not, it’s REALLY close to it). And I also believe if either team wins their final two games, they’re in the playoffs.

GB winning tonight and then lose to the Bears would be painful.

Nice pass by love

No reason to watch ravens v Steelers right?

Stealers technically still alive if they win but drawing to either Jags / Bills loss or Colts / Texans tie.

It looks absolutely miserable there.

Delay of game 15:00 3rd quarter


(QB couldn’t find his helmet)

Kenny Pickett would be winning this game

(my avatar is not relevant I SWEAR)