2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!



9 point swing there

How do we keep giving up 500 yards passing

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I am once again weirded out about Cowboys wearing blue at home.


Stop the presses.

Dumb NFL rule benefits Lions.

Fuck fuck

Second time they been killed on a fake punt this year.

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I am much more conservative than Dan Campbell when it comes to going for it.

Jimmy going into ROH is a big deal for us old head cowboy fans. I didn’t become a cowboys fan until Jimmy and Jerry took over.

Cowboys run offense been horrible all year

Lions run D has been good all year. Really good.

I do think that from a football rules purist kind of standpoint, the end zone fumble rule is correct as is, but it melts people’s faces when, say, a ball moving .002s before it hits the pylon can cause a 7-point swing. If I’m on the rules committee I probably change it so only a (rare) fumble all the way out of the back of the EZ is a touchback, otherwise it goes to the point of the fumble and stays with the offense.

I’d give it to the D at the one. That reach for the end zone deal has to be high reward and high risk.

Well, if you want high risk, current rule makes it even riskier than what you proposed.

Yes it’s too much giving the ball on the 20.

I’ve seen a suggestion of offense gets a 10 yard penalty plus loss of down but keeps the ball.

I like losing the ball but not making it easy for the other team by having them backed up.

Tyler Smith injury would be catastrophic.