2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

If anyone is angry that the Seahawks won, I just want you to know something: more than half of the Seahawks fanbase supports the University of Washington, and your reaction should be to root against UW not only in its coming playoff game, but also for every game it plays for the rest of time. No matter who the opponent is. Zero exceptions for the rest of the time. Failure to follow this instruction will render you permanently irredeemable on every level.


Also did anyone notice how they didn’t run the clock, then did run the clock, on DK’s big catch on the last drive?

Both throws that got intercepted were overly aggressive for the game situation

The first one, the Eagles were winning LOS and marching methodically down the field, eating clock.

The last one:


In hindsight, Hurts had 1.5 seasons of runGod on long 50:50 balls. Relied on that trick too often.

What about those of us who are thrilled that Seattle won?

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They commented about this on air. It looked like DK got his hand out of bounds, but then the other official saw knees down in bounds and overruled the first. Seemed to be about as well officiated as could be, given how fast this shit happens.

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Same rules, except you have to double your showers for a week because you just joined forces with UW fans for a moment.

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Oh man, you must be in a constant state of self hatred

It seemed to be the sort of thing that could be called sometimes, but not always. Definitely working against a flag is that the contact seemed to mostly be hand and arms against hands and arms, which is ostensibly allowed, at least to a degree. Without a clear grab or shove on the torso, and without the receiver trying to come back through the defender, it’s not always going to get called.

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There’s a reason you never see me defend or champion the fanbases of my pro teams. It would be absurd for me to simultaneously hold the positions of: (1) Seattle fans are great; and (2) UW fans are all contemptible scum. And since I know that (2) is true, I’m forced to forever abandon (1). Sometimes being logical is a real chore.

the great thing about being a sports fan is you dont have to be logical.

the way buck worded it it seemed like New York overrode it or something

as a philly hater i loved it when i saw hurts launch it deep there, they traded like 85-90% chance of a long FGA for a 20% chance of a short FGA.

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OK, now do Texas fans.

About some of the false starts - OL are allowed to move their back foot before the snap. Lane Johnson and Jawaan Taylor do it a lot. It definitely looks like a false start but it’s legal.

That said, they do sometimes move other parts, and get away with it.

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Perhaps it’s in a section other than the False Start section, but I don’t see that exception anywhere in the rule book. If anything, doing so seems to meet squarely with the definition of what a false start is:

Any quick abrupt movement by a single offensive player, or by several offensive players in unison, which simulates the start of the snap, is a false start, and the official shall blow the whistle immediately, whether the snap is made or there is a reaction by the defense.

I also think the quick head-cocks by centers on silent snap counts are clear attempts to induce an offsides, but are passed of as them looking back to the QB, and never get called either.

Go Cougs!

Yeah those guys jumping back before the snap. It’s a false start. They just don’t call it. So keep doing it.

It’s dumb cause that KC RT jumped every pass play the entire game. No flag

But he’s stationary and his body moves 1/4 an inch and stops


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Basically, the NFL has decided that players in a two point stance are allowed to adjust their back foot, provided they’re not rocking their torso or doing anything else that looks like a snap. So, say a guy is in a two point stance and shifts his back foot a bit, the refs aren’t going to call it a false start.

Guys like Lane Johnson and others are pushing that to the extreme, and they “adjust” their foot backwards in time with the snap. As long as the foot doesn’t hit the ground, the NFL says it’s legal. I don’t know that I agree with it, but think it makes some sense - either they have to allow no movement of the back foot, or they have to allow all movement before the foot hits the ground in a step. Otherwise they’d be having to constantly parse “is this movement too much?” Better to have a black and white dividing line.

The video below talks about it, discussion starts at 3:35.

It’s pretty clear the KC RT did the false start every play vs the Lions

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It’s clever but it always looks like he’s not just moving his back foot, it appears he’s also raising his torso and assuming a blocking stance.

Still not as egregious as him being lined up a yard behind the center’s ass.

The nfl is just waiting for the most high leverage spot possible with everyone’s season on the line and then they will decide to start calling it

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One of the joys of this NFL season is learning all of the intricacies of what is what isn’t a false start/offsides/illegal formation.

Of course we still have no idea. But we know so many more details now than we did last year. Thank you Chris Collinsworth (and tush push) for making this a huge point of emphasis!