2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It’s like a horror movie. The bad guy is never dead.

I get that and that’s reasonable. I’m just not confident that your thought process would not be altered by a loaded gun being waved in your face.

Just use whatever the cops use when they do that. Seems to work every time.

When the survival nut came out of the woods waving his gun, the 4 of us jumped in the car. I put it in reverse, and looked up to see him standing in front of the car pointing his gun at me. I had a split-second decision whether to hit the gas and hope for the best, or not.

Instead we got out of the car. He read us the riot act, took our IDs and turned them into the police. The police were pretty pissed at him when we told them what happened.

I guess it’s very different because we knew we were in the wrong. But we still didn’t know what he was going to do with us. I definitely never thought of pulling the rifle out of the floorboards and trying to shoot at him. My biggest fear was he’d see the rifle and freak out.

I understand your point. Who knows what goes through someone‘s head in a high pressure situation like this.

If you had been one of the other patrons in that place what would you have preferred: someone to start shooting at the robber or no one doing that?

I watched Rambo-2008 last night. When the Burmese pirates raided their boat, he offered them everything they had w/o resistance. Only when the pirates wanted to rape the woman did he kill them all. Rambo knows what’s up.

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Tough to say what I would have chosen if I was actually sitting there. From the video, looks like he was probably going to leave with no shots fired, so I think no one shooting increase my overall life expectancy the most.

Fear and adrenaline and those last 4 shots took about 3 seconds.


Objectively not a self-defense situation anymore but I already said that a good lawyer should be able to get him off if he gets charged. That last shot though.

This is pretty fucking weird:

lol, wat?


If you draw your weapon you are shooting to kill. What difference does it make? You are not shooting to wound the guy or incapacitate him. The goal is to kill him, or he should have never drawn his weapon.

Never forget.


A few years ago on a United Airlines flight from Buenos Aires to New York, Gerard B. Finneran, an investment banker, went totally bonkers. Newspaper accounts said that after becoming intoxicated, Finneran demanded more alcohol from the flight attendants. When they refused, he began helping himself to the liquor supply. After being cut off a second time, he became visibly angry. He pushed one flight attendant (federal offense No. 1), verbally threatened another (federal offense No. 2), interfered with a third who was assisting a sick passenger (federal offense No. 3), then walked up to the first-class cabin, dropped his pants and defecated on a service cart in plain view of the passengers and crew. Then he stepped in his own feces and tracked it through the main cabin (federal offense Nos. 4, 5 and possibly 6).

I like how stepping in your own feces and tracking it through the main cabin is 2-3 federal offenses all by itself.


I’m assuming pants off is #1. Actually taking a shit is #2. And then tracking it around is the possible third.

Unarmed is speculation and motionless doesn’t mean incapacitated.

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saw this yday, but the video paused/ended right as he got up to shoot. so i kinda :flushed:’d seeing the rest

i guess the only thing i’d say about it, is that if i purposely shoot someone with a gun, i’m going to kill them.

if i’m a juror, even the last shot doesn’t really do it. i couldn’t convict him for anything.

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You are legally allowed to shoot and kill the robber because he is a threat. Once he stops being a threat you are not allowed to execute him.

You can see that he dropped his gun. He is lying on his belly and not moving. At this point he is not a threat, incapacitated or not. Should he make a sudden move that might change but it does not look like that is what happened.

How are you to know he doesn’t have another gun? How are you to know how serious his injuries are? The whole thing takes less than 10 seconds. It’s just not reasonable to expect the guy to be reassessing the situation second-by-second during a shootout.

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It doesn’t matter if he has another gun as long as he is not moving. Again being attacked does not give someone carte blanche to execute the attacker.