2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This seems criminal.


The IRS says its tougher tax enforcement is already paying off and that the agency is making more high-end tax cheats pay up.

A month after announcing it would crack down on 1,600 millionaires who were far behind on their taxes, the Internal Revenue Service said Friday it has collected $122 million from 100 of these cases.

Thatā€™s on top of $38 million in back taxes the IRS has already collected from 175 millionaires. It brings the recent rake of back taxes from rich households to $160 million, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said.



A Texas judge has ruled that Infowars host [Alex Jones](https://apnews.com/hub/alex-
jones) cannot use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying more than $1.1 billion to families who sued over his conspiracy theories that the Sandy Hook school massacre was a hoax.


Jones filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last year and more recent financial documents submitted by his attorneys put his personal net worth around $14 million. But Lopez ruled that those protections do not apply over findings of ā€œwillful and maliciousā€ conduct.

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Makes some sense if sheā€™s binging Gilliganā€™s Island on Tubi.


Iā€™d already figured out that shit doesnā€™t work. Thanks, FDA.


I havenā€™t read Reasons and Persons except for a few selected sections, but thereā€™s plenty of Parfit content on various philosophy podcasts, and recently David Edmonds made the rounds with a biography of sorts and addressed some of Parfitā€™s most influential ideas.

On the personal identity stuff, Iā€™m fundamentally unimpressed and annoyed. Parfit, at least Edmonds said this, did not believe that numerically identical persons persist through time, he believed that we basically ā€˜dieā€™ moment to moment, and then yadda yadda teleporter thought experiment, but I, and I think most people, care about teleporter stuff because weā€™re wondering precisely whether we survive them in the numerical sense. Same for brain fission or anything else.

If we die moment to moment, then caring about somebody ā€˜likeā€™ me who got teleported to another planet does not seem too interesting. He is not me, bona fortuna not me guy?

That seems different than the view he expresses in R&P, although he could have changed it later. I will try to find some quotes.

Me too. The meth shit worked good but then they made this garbage to sell something not tracked by the DEA and it sucks, and does nothing.

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Kinda makes you wish more billionaires got horrible life-threatening diseases



Why did he wait decades? He had better stuff to do? I mean, maybe he did, idk.

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I found the clip of Edmonds saying something like what I said he said from the Brain in a Vat podcast, but itā€™s in a slightly different context (of situating Parfitā€™s view against essentialist/nonreductive theories of personal identity). Hereā€™s the timestamp (12:20)

I would just say generally that while I have no idea what the criteria of the persistence of one and the same person over time might be, there may be none, Parfitā€™s idea that personal identity is not what matters when we ask about survival in various cases has always struck me as, well, pretty out there.

He should have to pull himself up by his bootstraps and cure the disease himself like this one guy did


This is a pretty good effort if you know owt about the UKā€™s recent past (the bald bloke is Micky Lynch, head of the main rail union):



The founder of Lululemon is a Stone Cold lookalike? Not what I was expecting.

The only parfit I know is the yogurt one at McDonaldā€™s.