2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

That was a weird closing shot.

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Yep. He’s had a wild 6 months or so with this new album.


It’s all fun and games until the grammar Nazis arrive.

They prefer to be called Grammar Heritage Enthusiasts.


Solution for Ticket Selling (for artists popular enough to have actual scalpers)

  1. Make your own platform to get rid of leeches like Ticketmaster

  2. Partner with a Charity

  3. Sell tickets through a lottery system at what you determine to be face value

  4. Allow your platform to have a resale market. People can charge whatever they want. If the tickets sell, the original purchase price is refunded to the seller. The difference in price between face value and sale price goes to the charity.

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Problem is Ticketmaster owns or has deals with most major venues which prevent them from doing deals with other ticket companies or roll your own. It’s a ridiculous monopoly that has to be blown up. When Ticketmaster and live nation merged it was game over.

Very patriotic product placement.


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OK boomer

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GUSD just announced their pick for new superintendent. Somebody check on the Proud Boys.

41 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2023 Israel Conflict

And you’d better be okay with it

While there were a lot more hits than “usual”, the casualties with one exception are from the ground invasion and the lack of major army presence in the Gaza Envelope. There are still hostages in Ofakim which is 20+ km from the border. Complete uncharted territories.

The number of hostages taken to Gaza is unknown and will determine a lot of how this war is going to continue.

My wife’s brother was called for reserves now (he’s 40+) but he’s heading North. If hizballah attacks i have no idea how this joke of a government even survives this.

Black woman found hanging in strangers’ back yard. Cops instantly rule it a suicide. Family is outraged obviously. Some very strange, shady shit going on here it seems. Florida ldo:


Fucking senseless.

Newsom had a baffling two days of vetoes. Along with psilocybin, he vetoed subsidized housing, prevention of caste discrimination, and worst of all, the bill to cap insulin copays to $35/month. SB90 passed both houses unanimously. CA Leg very very rarely overrides vetoes, but if you live in CA, call your state senator’s office and tell them to do it this year, fuck tradition.

Absolutely baffling…until you remember the man wants to be president and thinks that turning right will get him there.

He also signed the law allowing staffers to unionize, so…win?


It depends on whether you believe his reasons for the vetoes. He said he wants the state congress to instill more protectionary rules for psilocybin before passing such a law… but im obviously skeptical even though Im geberally a Newsom fan.

The video, which has been removed from social media but was reviewed by USA TODAY, showed Yo-Yo with her chest partially exposed in a position that her family believes does not indicate a suicide.

“She’s able to push her hand up and touch the house, literally,” Naomi said. “So she can stand up.”

The person who filmed her body took another video, also provided to USA TODAY, of Yo-Yo’s car outside the house. All doors are open with clothes and other items strewn around the car. The windshield and driver’s door are smashed.

Cops didn’t search the house because, according to them, they didn’t have probable cause.

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