2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

The lemonades at Panera bread are dangerous too half of them have like 250 mgs of caffeine in a 20oz cup.

well I didnā€™t add it

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Donā€™t get me wrong, if you give me a Snickers Iā€™m eating it.


I assumed that Iā€™ve eaten a FoF before but when I think about it Iā€™m not so sure I have. Iā€™ll sometimes eat the version they have in the cafeteria at work but theyā€™re not very good and I usually try to avoid them. Now I feel like I should try one ā€œfor scienceā€ but not sure I want to waste a fast food meal at McDonalds.

Might be a little late to the discussion but put me in the pro air fryer camp. A few of our friends recommended it to my wife to heat things up for the kid and I was resistant at first but have to say itā€™s been a major improvement to our household. My wife doesnā€™t cook much and often doesnā€™t have a lot of time to make food after work but the air fryer has improved her range considerably. Importantly, it makes frozen vegetables actually taste good, so she can whip those up quickly and our toddler will gobble them up (she likes veggies in general but this is the best bang for the amount of effort it takes).

Thanks. Never noticed that line on the packages. Carbs are carbs as far as Iā€™m concerned.

I realize that is not entirely accurate, but itā€™s fine for my purposes.

As long as youā€™re not diabetic, prediabetic, or for other reasons concerned about your blood sugar, you probably are fine. But if you havenā€™t, you might want to check. A lot of people are walking around oblivious.

Wait 'til Lent when theyā€™re on sale. Iā€™m a fan and I still wonā€™t pay full price for one.

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There was a girl in one of my college classes who brought an orange to class every day. She sat there at the beginning of class, peeled it, and put sugar on each wedge. It was quite the added sugar ritual to watch.

My friend and I called her Orange Girl.

Are you it was sugar and not salt?

Thatā€™s how people eat grapefruit sometimes. She just applied it to an orange. ā€œsooo sourā€

Got my HbA1c tested last year for an insurance physical and it was fine. My diet has been noticeably worse since then, so who knows what it is now. My added sugar is far more than 5g/day. I should probably fix that.

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I prefer ā€œSugar Lassā€ BYMMV

When I eat grapefruit I peel it, seperate it into wedges, then remove the skin from each wedge and only eat the center of the wedge without the bitter skin. Worth the effort.

iā€™ve never peeled a grapefruit, always just sliced it in half and then cut out each little triangle to eat. when all the triangles are gone squeeze it over a bowl and collect the juice.

I cut in half, then use a short knife to cut the half-ball of flesh out - going around in circles maybe 3 or 4 times - cutting a little deeper and more in towards the center each time. Then I cut it into 6 or 8 sections, depending on how big it is, trying to cut along the section lines as much as possible.

For the rest thatā€™s stuck to the rind, you can scrape it out with a spoon, then usually thereā€™s a nice swig of juice at the bottom of the bowl at the end.

That what the serrated grapefruit spoon is for. Thatā€™s how I did it as a boy. Cut in half, sprinkle of sugar. Spikey tea spoon to scoop out the flesh.



When I slept over at my grandparentsā€™ house when I was a kid, the usual breakfast would be grapefruit and a bowl of shredded wheat, but the kind thatā€™s one huge brick. They sprinkled sugar on both. If I have grapefruit nowadays, I tend to not bother with the sugar, but it definitely was tasty.

For those who live in Portland or travel there I had two amazing meals last week.

The meatball sub here was next level,

And the Szechuan Pork Wonton w/Chili Oil here is legitimately one of the best things I have ever eaten.


you try a filet o fish there?