2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Cops and feds on some kind of man hunt in the empty lot next to my house.

Making me nervous.

Thought at first a militia of some kind was canvassing the neighborhood. Feds are wearing brown camo.

FYI to you northerners


At this time of year?


In this part of the country?

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The outrage seems so odd. This is the exact same thing as cars offering different engines which has happened since cars began. :man_shrugging:

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localized entirely within your kitchen?

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wat. do you pay annually for full access to the power of the engine you paid to have installed in the car in the first place?

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No but you don’t need it right. It’s entirely optional. I just don’t get people getting outraged ever when some company charges for something totally optional. Just don’t buy it. :man_shrugging:

Yep, I would never buy a Mercedes anyways and if a car I would buy ends up making me pay annual for features I want I will buy a different make.


Woke up this morning to see my Powerball chances had dipped from 1 in 290 mil to 1 in about 20 mil. Those were quickly dashed to 0 in 586738473 as the ticket was sold in Los Angeles, so good luck to any of our Angelenos who bought a ticket for Wednesday. Your odds are about 1 in 3-10 million now


how much of any product (that is a significant expenditure no less) should be on the monthly? anything that’s tied into a computer the manufacturer can control remotely? so for a car, the power windows? or just buy the hand crank for a one time fee. The power seats? The heat and ac? You only use them for a few months out of the year anyway. They’re all installed in something you bought but inaccessible without the monthly is reasonable to you?

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The absurdity of it is self-evident, I did not think it required further explanation


And with different engines you’re paying for, well, different engines. More powerful, bigger engines are more expensive to build. Here you’re buying the exact same engine. Insane.


Hormonal surfboard-eating attack otter still on the loose!

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Is it safe to assume that these things have been tasted by now and are inedible? Otherwise this thing would not still be alive obv

Sorry for your loss.

Maybe consumer protections are sufficient where you’re from, but in USA#1 corporations don’t have to gaf about how they treat their customers because they have no recourse. Fall a few thousand behind on your mortgage here and you risk losing your house.

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