2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Filet-o-fish has been my favorite least disliked thing on the McDonald’s menu for as long as I can remember.

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Forget the silence. I hate yellow and don’t own a single piece of yellow clothing. I would not be buying any to go to any wedding.

Having spent a lot of time in the OOT fast food thread (purely out of curiosity as I eat fast food less than once a month) there is a massive variability in the amount of food you could get with $40 depending on how good you are with the app and deals and such.

That may be part of the disconnect. If you’re like me and you would never get arsed up to download the McDonalds app or use a coupon from that app, then $40 is not going get you as far as one of the fast food app hackers.

When they think $40 of food it’s probably way more food than what a donk like me thinks $40 is.

Ah this is interesting I never knew any of this history.

I have an older recipe from a friend who grew up in Texas, which he called “Texas-style” chili. It includes ground beef, but no beans. I love it, it’s delicious. My girlfriend, who also grew up in Texas, also has a really good recipe and it includes both beef and red chili beans. She claims she never had it without beans growing up /shrug.

Yeah I’m not a purist. It seems fine to me to call a savory food that contains or is covered with chili sauce chili. Even the stuff I made tonight was passable imo.

I like Ragusea because he throws in historical and other background details but he doesn’t always provide sources. The wiki stuff is also admittedly thinly sourced. Idk if there’s an authoritative history of chili.

if I got an invite to a wedding like this, not only am I not going, I’m not sending a gift either.


Speaking of white fish, what is the second from the (bottom) left? I hate it. So chewy. Bleh. Bonus points if you can name the other two on the bottom right. I know what all the other ones are…

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Second from left looks like squid, which would explain the chewiness. Far right looks like snapper but maybe “sea bass” which could really be lots of species.

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Fried walleye sandwich is a restaurant staple in MN, I don’t get them often but sometimes they do hit the spot.


Thanks. I don’t know how people chew through the squid! Maybe I have weak jaws or something

The chewiness is a bonus! I really like halibut fin and clam, both of which have some chew to them.

Hmm I’ll have to try those some time. I don’t mind the firmness of octopus for example. But man was it a terrible experience trying to force down that squid and eventually having to spit out lol

What’s the etiquette on this? I always send a gift, but it’s normally because I really want to be there, but can’t for some reason (e.g. COVID). But is that the default? Is one expected to send a gift when invited, even if they don’t attend? Or is it just optional?

Sending a gift if you go or not is my understanding of the etiquette

You’re all invited to my upcoming wedding. Totally not really happening but gifts welcome.



Kevin De Leon from all I’ve heard is a piece of shit but pushing yourself directly up against someone while screaming “get your fucking hands off me!” in their face is pretty dumb. Also looks like the activist in green headbutted him at :27.

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I think it’s generally “expected” though of course it’s impolite to actually expect anything from your invited guests. I generally will always send a gift except in cases where it’s someone I barely know and they probably know I won’t travel to the wedding so it’s a easy gift fishing expedition.

Yea I was wandering why I was only seeing an edited clip. Guy seems terrible but getting up in people faces like that is going to cause trouble

The LA City Council is a fucking mess.

“So I would just say lastly, to the disruptors and protesters who have done their best to make it difficult for us to do our work in the last 2½ years, in their own words: I yield the rest of my time. F— you,” Koretz said, a smile creeping across his face.

The pairing of yielding one’s time with an expletive was popularized during a June 2020 L.A. Police Commission meeting held after days of protest in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, and it became a catchphrase among certain watchers of municipal politics.

During that meeting, many speakers called on Los Angeles Police Department Chief Michel Moore to resign because of his remark referring to people who burglarized businesses during the protests that Floyd’s death was “on their hands, as much as it is on those [Minneapolis] officers.”

I’ve seen it as cuttlefish. Slightly different from squid I think?