2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



The guys in the new-agey/third-way/ayahuasca men’s circle I went to for a while said “holding space” all the time.

They also did Tim Ferris-y stuff like take cold showers and put their feet on a stool when they poop - I assume to mimic the way cavemen used to shit, and get more leverage or something.


Oh shit that’s right it’s about to hit the 20th anniversary damn

Digging this response

If you don’t want to hang out with someone, don’t make plans with them, and always be busy when they ask. If they get the message and back off, maybe you’ll warm up to them after a bit. If they confront you about it, then you can talk about reasons. Some people make life so hard.

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Anyone know of its possible to colour code an email in outlook as the sender?

I know I can do so as receiver. I want to create a system of colour coding where by staff send email that is coded already so everyone can easily manage sort by category.

This sounds infuriating - why do you think this is necessary?


Long story but in short we get so much email we need a way to categorize it.

I know there are a million better solutions but my organization is stuck on project management via email which is the absolute worst project management tool!

It’s not even good email. It’s outlook. The nut low email program.

You can write Outlook extensions so it would probably be possible to do it like that, if you have anyone on staff who can code.

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You could use outlook rules where if an email from you with a specific key word in the email subject (say, project name) is assigned to a specific category which can be assigned a color.

For this to work everyone in your team must have the same rule enabled and everyone would have to send their emails with the project name in the subject (or in some other way identify that the email should be flagged with a specific color).

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I believe so - but you have to run the Rule manually. Rules only run automatically on received email.

So - set up your rule, but then when you want to run it, you have to go to Manage Rules and Alerts window, and force it to run. It should then category code the sent emails for you. I don’t know how speedy this will work, it may be slow if it reviews every sent email each time you run it.

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In 10 years, AI will run our lives, determine our preferences, and make conversations with real people obsolete. But a small group of resistance fighters will keep online conversation with real humans alive by periodically posting a definitive criteria of “middle class”.


Can’t speak for the rest of the stuff but Squatty Potty is legit.


If cost is a factor in preventing you from using something better, Redmine is an open source project management tool that is easy to set up and use. Super cheap through a service like bitnami - it’ll create the hosted server for you. There are a ton of plugins you can pretty easily add to increase functionality, and I’ve had success with it even with folks who were married to email and didn’t want to use anything else. It’s not perfect but it’s cheap and works.

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It’s a billion dollar corporation. Cost isn’t the issue. Overcoming the “we have always done it this way” inertia is the issue. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Now I have to at least consider the merits of the squatty potty. Damn you.


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Did Vin Diesel as Bloodshot do it?

We sure seem to have a lot of 1 in 100/500/1000 year weather events lately.


ZOMG SF has gotten to bad even tech workers are deranged homeless drug addicts now!


Twitter cesspool re-confirmed.