2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It is very useful at churning out boilerplate but you have to check its work carefully. I know there are companies out there already using these things to generate advertising copy, which it’s perfectly suited to writing.

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Yeah, exactly. This thing isn’t going to be going through evidence and developing arguments from it (yet), but it could probably knock out a lot of basic portions of common motions to save some time:



AI: I averaged a bunch of polls together

I always get sad when we get books as waste paper into our paper mill. Just giant boxes of books about to be destroyed and made into new paper. The whole volumes of encyclopedias make me the saddest, they were sitting on a shelf in someone’s home for years and years and then they get thrown away. Probably nostalgia from when I used to sit in a recliner next to the encyclopedias we had when I was eight or nine, opening to a random page until I found something interesting and then finding a reference to something else, grabbing the next volume to look that up, then the next one after that. I remember doing that for hours with the family in front of the TV.


Seems crazy to be throwing away encyclopedia sets imo. Those make perectly servicable Zoom backgrounds.


You, and Liz Stanwick, know value when you see it.

note: this is not the only example of someone attempting to sell an old set of encyclopedias on my Nextdoor, it’s just the first I found.

i can torrent the whole brittanica in pdf and put it on a $10 usb drive. imagine that





Alex Cohen is doing a bit there

but yes, my linkedin feed is full of deplorable boomers and genXers

Ah damn

Anybody who says LinkedIn is the most unhinged social media platform has spent no time on Nextdoor.


I’m so glad that UP is basically my only social media. It’s always rational.


You, a fool, simpleton, dullard: hurr durr I listened to 45,000 hours of ambient death metal this year meow chow

Me, an intellectual:


It sounds like one of my college roommates who got paid to write essays/papers for people and would add the word “penis” into random sentences occasionally.

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So it’s an associate?


I went to a private elementary school and during the summer after 6th grade I went to a church camp with all the public school kids, who spent the whole time talking about drinking and doing drugs, and when I got back from camp I went straight to my room to my encyclopedia set and spent hours researching what drugs were lol


Im not going to sit and read them cover to cover, but I like old books like that. It’s interesting to see what’s changed in writing style, common wisdom, etc.

In doing the research for my book, I wound up with a book about Baja from the 60s and a book about Panama from the 50s. The Panama book was quite sure there would be a road across the Darien Gap in a few years. 70 years later - still no road.

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