2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I remember ARCOs had a payment station outside that took cash like 20 years ago.

Why does one of them on each team have a different color jersey on? I don’t really know volleyball.

But that was an amazing play, I do know that.

She forgot her gym clothes at home. Had to play in jeans.

The setter in red set the right side 4 times. One time the middle intercepted and went over on two. Give the left side hitter a chance!

I’m listening to a station called Holiday Station on Apple Music and just heard the following 2 songs:

  • My Favorite Things
  • 525,600 Minutes


This is a nice rally but the ending is everything.

The key to this play is #14 for Japan is a back row player. In order for him to legally attack the ball above the net, he has to jump from behind the white 3 meter line. The setter pops the first contact up in the middle of the court, #14 comes flying from deep in the back court and broad jumps from the 3 meter line to attack on two. The Italy defense is scrambling, they are at his mercy. He has no mercy.

I think My Favorite Things got adopted as a Christmas song quite awhile back. There’s probably a lot of people who know the song but not its origins.

Tracking an Amazon package and the app is excited to tell me that it is just 3 stops away!

Umm…it’s 20 miles away. I guess technically it’s 3 stops, but…

I get the opposite of that sometimes. It will be 6 or 10 stops away, I go to look at the app and it shows the delivery vehicle literally across the street. It is a busy street and not feasible to park on one side then deliver to the other, so I get it but it’s just funny because it will be 100 meters away.

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My Favorite Things includes a lyric about “sleigh bells” - that’s a holiday song!

RENT is due at the end of the month, right after Christmas - that’s a holiday song!

When you hear A Spoonful of Sugar, it’s because Mary Poppins —> chimney sweeps —> fireplaces —> Yule logs —> Christmas!

They didn’t specify which holiday.

I hate that this response is technically true. I’m infuriated right now.

Exactly. This is my favorite Christmas song.

Real. It’s impressive.

On Friday night my friends and I managed to get it to tell some pretty off-colour jokes. They seem to have since reined it in. I quite liked this:

I’m going to spoiler this next one. Be warned that it is only for those with a sick sense of humour. Gives an idea of why they have to keep this thing on a tight leash.


It generally does a passable job at all those kind of tasks but it’s dangerous. There will be horrendous errors randomly sprinkled in there. There was a healthcare company experimented with using it as a medical chat bot (against the warnings of OpenAI) and in one of their test chat sessions its interlocutor, who was posing as a mentally ill patient, was advised by the bot to commit suicide.


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Holy shit on that second one. I’d have guessed human all day, every day.


Take its affinity for Exemplore , a hokey paranormal and conspiracy news site that peddles tales of cryptids, signs of Atlantis, and magical crystals. Here are a few recent — and clearly preposterous — Exemplore articles that MSN has syndicated to its vast readership:

-“Fishermen Catch Mermaid Creature in Their Nets

-“Woman Films Bigfoot Jumping Out of a Tree in California

-“Party Stops as Giant UFO Flies Directly Over It

-“Mars Rover Appears to Catch ‘Dark Beast’ Roaming the Surface of Mars

-“Someone Swears They Caught a Biblically Accurate Angel Floating in the Sky Over LA

But there’s no excuse for MSN , a media giant with the extraordinary resources of Microsoft behind it, to be amplifying — and monetizing — this ridiculous and inaccurate content. Its audience is vast, with the analytics service Similarweb estimating that it attracts nearly a billion readers per month.

Furthermore, MSN wields enormous SEO power that pushes its content to the top of search results, oftentimes superseding the original publication. If by happenstance a reader Googles something that resembles one of MSN’s many fake headlines, a search engine will return MSN’s republication of a story while sometimes omitting the original, lending it undue credibility.

They have definitely neutered this thing quickly. Last night I asked for a story about debauchery in the style of Hunter S Thompson and got a story about doing drugs and joining in an orgy. Now it tells me that it is incapable of creative fiction whenever I ask for a story. Ditto for shill posts and python code beyond very basic stuff.

A buddy of mine asked it to write some basic legal stuff. It did a reasonable job, better than a significant number of attorneys could do. You could probably use it to significantly expedite writing some memos and motions.

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