2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


Whatever you do please don’t expend finite political energy highlighting instances of racism to people to learn from when it could be better spent pushing centrist causes.


“Digital Blackface” seems like a deliberately provocative way of describing the kind of white appropriation black culture that’s always been a thing, only now we’re all stealing memes and words like “woke.”

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Gorsuch was the most likely dissent.

The law firm that prosecuted for chevron came up recently as they are lobbying to undo the case law that cities can’t just chase homeless people around if they don’t offer shelter. That case law, that you can’t just endlessly persecute supposedly free people in a supposedly free country if you can’t even offer them a place to go other than jail is largely why a lot of semi-permanent encampments came about instead of all those people hiding in bushes.


Donzinger, among others, represented 30000 indigenous people in Ecuador and won a big class action suit. Chevron decided it would rather crucify Donzinger and, as you say, literally hire the US prosecutors, than pay the awarded settlement.


United States of Chevron

Literally the worst thing you can ever hear when staying with your parents: “suzzer, you’re a big techie guy. Can you…”


I think the disconnect is in the amount of energy that YOU think is needed here.

Like this conversation for me went.

  • reads an article on digital blackface
  • oh yeah. That seems like a thing
  • moderately changes my behaviour with no actual time, effort or pain required
  • gets on with life.

Like literally no one in this thread or in the article has berated you, demanded you change your behaviour or “IMPOSeD POWEr on you ThrouGH wokENESs” and you’ve gone off on this whole tangent about how oppressive it is. It’s weird.

Even the term digital blackface. Yeah, its confronting, so I dont use it, but no one seems to be willing to argue that the parallel isnt legitimate, which seems to land us on “yeah, well maybe that’s an accurate way to describe it, but it makes me feel bad… so…”

like what’s the conclusion to that sentence?


Oh I forgot one thing. The judge hired the Chevron lawyers and then personally selected the judge that heard the case. Oh well at least there was a jury, right?


The judge refused Donzinger’s request for a jury trial (because it was a misdemeanor) and then found him guilty and sentenced him to the maximum sentence, six months. He was under house arrest for like a thousand days during the whole ordeal.

Chevron spent about ten million dollars prosecuting this misdemeanor.

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The breadth and depth of that expectation is canyon like.

Astronaut meme: Rule of law is a lie?


100% there will be swearing and tears.

People: Here’s an illustration of how ingrained systemic racism is, and how it saturates everything, such that even this small, seemingly innocuous behavior carries racial hierarchy-perpetuating consequences. Yes it’s a very small deal. That’s the point of discussing this concept.

ChrisV: You’re using your power to bully me.

People: Uh, we’re describing people inadvertently using their power to inadvertently bully. But if it feels like we are doing that to you, and you don’t like how that feels, maybe you could step back and look at the larger picture…

ChrisV: No, it’s harmless and I’m going to keep doing it to you. In fact, you are making me do it to you. You are prodding this reaction out of me. I am forced to retaliate, by continuing to do this thing I’ve just said is completely neutral and harmless.

I think the best way to sum up the disconnect is AQ making multiple posts arguing that scolding is not taking place using tone and content that is in fact doing that precise thing.

I would say theres a step missing in your analysis.

Let’s use an analogy.

You come to my house.

I say “hey. My house is a no shoes house. Can you take them off and leave at the door”

At this point. I’m not scolding.

If you then say

“Wtf is wrong with you! I’ll wear shoes wherever the fuck I want. Dont you DARE scold me”

My reaction at this point could be considered scolding.

Get it?

Edit. To expand. If anyone was like “yeah. This digital blackface is a small thing. Probably not the best use of our time” there wouldnt be a disagreement at all.

It’s a better use than playing a video game or something. And the use is in the way it illustrates concepts. People outright denying the concepts, is the waste of time.

It’s worthwhile to occasionally remember and contemplate this right before you post a meme or use AAVE, even if you then go ahead and post it anyway

Like it’s worthwhile to know slaves held at gunpoint had a big role in producing the food you’re about to order, even if you go ahead and order it

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Someone reading about this concept and immediately resorting to things like “waste of time, and you’re insulting me to boot” has very big “posting Who Cares under a corporation’s pride month tweet” energy

It’s the refuge of someone with no counteragument against something that makes them uncomfortable

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On the subject of black people, I just realized that Snoop dog was wearing a blue bandana outfit and crip walking at the super bowl last year.