2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

The Turing test is canonically a blind conversational test conducted in natural language. There are other possible AI tests, including tests that would employ video or tasks instructions, but those aren’t Turning tests.

If it’s so good at writing a book about about it, ask it to suggest any non-trivial improvements for battery design that isn’t just a restatement of what it has been fed.

Perhaps. But limiting the test kind of robs it of its philosophical power.

Even withing the conversation framework, what you can ask is basically unlimited.

I…e. hey. “Google this specific video on ants. Let’s talk about it”

“Hey. I’ve just added you to a thread on UP. About moderation. Get involved”

There are Turing tests that have strict rules to run competitions or for academic purposes, but that isnt really the spirit of what he was talking about.

How about if I tell it “turning left across 4 lanes of traffic at rush hour is bad” and it actually remembers that and stops recommending it?

Or maybe “No I will never want to get off the highway, drive around in a big square, then get back on at the same exit. I don’t care if it’s 7 minutes slower. That’s not a benefit.”

Will we ever reach that level of AI nirvana?

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Had to think of the discussion in this thread:



You’ve just proven that 9x% of humans aren’t sentient. :worried:

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now that’s a different problem, a lot of time super complex regexes give unexpected results because the (human) language a programmer was using to think about the problem was ambiguous




That seems like it’s setting the bar way too high. If I feed the black box a bunch of articles on lithium ion batteries (or maybe the AI is finding them on its own, that’s quite plausible) and it spits back a decent summary of the state of the art, I think we have to say that it “understands” the material in a very real way. That’s as close to a real-life Turing test as I

Not woke, went broke.

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nothing more woke, than being broke

Question I had amidst the Kanye talk:

Presumably Adolf was not the only Hitler. Did everyone else with the last name Hitler just change their name after WW2 ended?

Were there some Germans who pulled the Michael Bolton from Office Space “Why should I change my name, he’s the one who sucked?”

There weren‘t many Hitlers to begin with. The name was basically a typo. Almost all of them changed their names post-WW2. None of Hitler‘s family had any offspring. There is one person left (Romano Lukas Hitler) who claims to be related but is likely a fraud.


hmm… well, if they’d accept “suckmydickbitch” as one word, i seriously might go with that.

“please” feels manipulative.

“love” too.

“god” maybe? “murder”? “help”?

an android ain’t saying “suckmydickbitch”, or “fuck”.

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interested to know what anyone else would say…

gf just said “omnipotent”. still waiting to hear back on why, but i vince-smirked.


clearly you want to find a word that an AI wouldn’t. something random maybe, and hope it goes with “please” or something and the judges see through it?