2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


The TI-85 was not capable of symbolic manipulation. Youā€™d need a TI-89 to give you exact irrational roots.

Also, the time you waste getting distracted and playing Drug Wars would outweigh any savings.


Those calculators were cheating green lights, you could type notes and access during the test, made me so mad as a not cheating high school student

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Itā€™s capable of solving polynomials with known coefficients, which I thought was the use case in your example.

I thought it would only give you numeric solutions. Maybe Iā€™m wrong.

Yes, it gives the numeric solution, which is usually the kind I would want

See for me, I just Google ā€œquadratic formula calculatorā€ and not waste brain cycles haha. Or look up the formula and put it in a python script to execute on N examples from a file.

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Which one, thereā€™s over 350 proofs for Pythagorean Theorem :joy_cat:

Iā€™d argue memorizing that one is both easier and actually is a foundational understanding of our universe like e=mc^2. Knowing the formula for finding the roots of a quadratic formula doesnā€™t really help explain how things foundationally work in a way that should be included in basic education IMO. Itā€™s just a way to learn how to manipulate algebra and derive formulas.

Iā€™d rather a student understand this Fundamental theorem of algebra - Wikipedia than memorize a formula for a specific case (quadratic)

I was told that there would be no math.


Yeah, I won/did well on all sorts of math contests, was on the varsity math team, etc. Really enjoyed it. If I was given the problems from those contests now, I wouldnā€™t get a goddamn thing correct. Donā€™t remember any of it.

My daughter is a sophomore in high school - lots of her schoolwork is out of my jurisdiction at this point. I can help with writing, some social studies, and at least be a second set of eyes on things I donā€™t understand. My son is in 8th grade - I can still help him with math and what-not, but Iā€™ve warned him that my days as a useful parent are numbered.

fukken nerds itt


Ha, I showed my kids proof that I was a total nerd in high school (other than photos): I have multiple math books that I received as trophies for winning math contests. I never opened them and Iā€™m sure it would all read like an alien language at this point, but hey, fond memories.

But yeah, it really is amazing how much stuff we forget. I TAUGHT chemistry for a week in high school when my teacher was out and now my daughter is doing that stuff in her chemistry class. I looked at it and while I recognized it as something Iā€™ve seen before, I had no fucking clue how to do any of it.


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I paid someone to do an spss home test for me in college. I dont think i even got a good grade but i just needed to pass

I was told math is all there is.

Are numbers real?

Lol I legit failed math in college three times. That includes when I snatched a spot in the supposed miracle worker teacherā€™s class. She was extremely smart and accessible and engaging and funny and made everyone even me feel like we knew just as much about math as she did.

I still failed.

Ultimately I went back for my bachelorā€™s in my mid twenties at an online school that let me complete the math credit with History of Mathematics or something similar lol. That was fun because I honestly love the concepts. One of my fave books of all time is The Philosophy of Mathematics.

Iā€™m just terrible with numbers themselves.

If you didnā€™t have minds to count, would there still be six of anything?

I donā€™t think I took any math in college, is that even possible?

I always enjoyed physics, though.

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Are numbers real?

Last I heard, most mathematicians were Platonists. The best descriptions of physical reality we have are highly mathematical. If numbers arenā€™t real, whatā€™s left?

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Some of them.