2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You might not be wrong, but it sounds like your view is pretty much no matter what the teacher did, pushing it is wrong. That seems unlikely.

The student email is too presumptuous in tone. “Please let me know when you’ve fixed this.”


It’s only worth pushing it if the teacher deserves to get fired and it’s obvious enough that you’re likely to succeed and your kid’s next teacher agrees with her friend getting fired. Otherwise the best option is to kiss ass.

That sounds like effectively “never” to me.

I used to have this philosophy, but I’ve seen people get results on this kind of shit before. I’m mystified at how exactly they pull it off. I wish I could see it in action. I know it’s possible, but perhaps it’s just not in my range.

Nope. Your post talks about possibly elevating this to the administration and while your questions are “friendly” they are also worded in a way that reflects you are the type of person that would do such a thing. Grades in 4th grade are simply to give the parents a general sense of how the kid is doing, should pretty much never be elevated to the administration.

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It can for sure be pulled off, but if somehow the teacher is pissed after meeting the meeting (your description) something has gone seriously wrong. Or the teacher is insane, which is very possible.

Yeah, this. That’s why I was guessing non-native speaker who doesn’t have the best grasp of the language. But douche is also possible.

At what grade does this become OK? After this meeting, I’ll hang it up until then.

Good luck.

I mean that sincerely. My people skills are terrible so my comments come with large error bars.

Well, on this, I think you’re pretty nearly correct.

High school when it is widely understood that it actually affects college admission and by then your kid would be way better off handling it by themself.

You have to have some idea of what your kid’s “subjective” weakness is. Only hope for this to be productive is to lead with that, “I know she is X, assume that is what is holding her back from meeting her full potential? …. thanks for confirming, how do you suggest I get her to improve on X?…. great, I’ll do that…”

Then if your daughter does what the teacher suggests, she might get a 3 next time.

Any hint that you are fishing for ways to make the teacher change the grade she already gave are going to be met with hostility.


This. My son started getting bad report cards in 5th grade out of nowhere after years of “he’s a pleasure to have in class”. Talked to him and the teacher separately and determined she was a boy hating sociopath. Our response was to tell my son that 5th grade doesn’t matter in the long run and not to worry about it. Also got our daughter waitlisted for another school in the district so she didn’t have to deal with her. Worked out.

Thanks I’ll try to avoid this, but it’s really going to be tough.



bobman is objectively wrong.

or, perhaps, doing a bit.

Maybe you could just give the teacher cash. I hear they don’t get paid as well compared to other countries and it is likely to be positively received.

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How much would you pay for straight As straight 4s for a 4th grader?

We have a similar grading system at our kids’ elementary school. 4 is noted as something like “well beyond standards” (not the exact wording), and is not just something they give out to every kid that does well on the tests. Seems like they try and reserve it for kids who are showing particular aptitude for the topic and obviously performing well above grade level.

So on one hand, I can see how acing 4th grade spelling tests might not be an automatic ticket for a 4. They probably have a pretty structured spelling curriculum and are not really looking out for kids who are performing above and beyond… because if you found them, what are you going to do, give them harder words to spell? It’s not like math or science or other topics where you can get some interesting enrichment work.

But on the other hand, I totally get what you’re saying about “if this isn’t a 4, what is?”. It just wouldn’t surprise me if the answer is as simple as “lol our spelling curriculum is weird here, nobody gets 4s”.

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Obviously discussing this in 4th grade is black hawk down level loco, but this 1-4 grading system is nonsense.

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