2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You fuck one balloon…


Holy shit I had no idea this was a thing

Cliffs: Couple trades their old car for new (used) car. A few weeks later, dealership calls and says they need the couple to come back in and either re-work their finance deal, or return the car. They are stunned as they, like me, had no idea that this was a thing, but eventually they agree to do it. Their terms are shittier this time, of course. Dealership calls again and demands they re-work their deal a second time. Couple tells dealership to GFY. Dealership sends a truck to their house and tows/repossess car, deal is over, couple is SOL.

Oh and dealership is like, “Sorry Mr. Griswold, we have already sold your trade-in (except we’re keeping the Truckster). Have a nice day!”

Lol realtors is exceeded only by lol car dealers.

Oh I forgot this gem

The company also said “the communication in this situation around the trade-in … was hindered by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.” The dealership did not explain how the pandemic stopped it from returning the Johnsons’ car, which the dealership sold in October of 2019.

This is the president of Greenway Hyundai Orlando:

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Groundbreaking stuff

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Most state legislatures have several lol car dealers among the ranks

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God I dislike car dealers. For my last several car transactions I’ve used a broker. He makes things SO much easier and gets me better deals than I’d be able to get (or am willing to spend the time researching/fighting for) myself.

I highly recommend the site/forum leasehackr to learn tips and strategies on how to deal with this stuff.


Even if you do everything right and have a deal before going to the store they still make you waste half a day saying no to all their bullshit scam add ons.

Tesla is 100% right on this front.

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The couple in the story also had to pay back the loan on their repossessed car. Happy ending though, they got a $200k judgment in arbitration. The dealer attempted to counterclaim for “storage fees” for the trade in, that was unsuccessful.




I have perfected this process. I don’t even to do that.

Step one is to negotiate everything via email in advance. That’s obvious. The less obvious step is that you schedule an appointment to take delivery about 1/2 hour before they close. They want to punch out as bad as you want to leave.



Don’t even have OSHA to give you two 15 minute breaks


The saga of Armie Hammer poses a question: How can those who have mistreated other people re-enter society as productive citizens, if they are permitted to re-enter at all? We have such a system, a woefully imperfect one, for criminals. What we don’t have is a system, let alone agreed-upon rules and expectations, for someone like Armie Hammer, who has not been charged with any crime—but is, by his own admission, guilty of being an “asshole.”

The Hammer case also raises questions about the media. Virtually without exception, the press has treated the accusations from Hammer’s professed victims, no matter how fantastical, with utter credulity. As recently as last October, for instance, a story in New York magazine claimed that Hammer stands accused of “possible cannibalism.”

There was/is very strong evidence. The guy belongs in jail. Not interested in the rehab tour. Logan Roy fuck off dot gif.

“And no one will touch me because if they hire me, then they are the people who support abusers. And then they’re liable to get canceled themselves because this fire that is burning itself through town — when they throw someone like me on the fire to protect themselves, what they don’t realize is happening is all they’re doing is making the fire bigger. And that fire is now out of control and it’s going to burn everyone. And they’re just continually throwing people on it as sacrifices to protect themselves.”

Don’t rape people?

as i was reading that article earlier, i was trying to figure out at what point i would have gotten arrested.

the dealership didn’t pay off the trade-in once they got it, so the couple had to keep making payments on that too lmao


Not sure what re entry looks like. But it definitely doesnt start without an apology and some introspection.

An admission of wrong doing that can be used against him in civil lawsuits.


Doing something wrong and then actively fighting restitution makes it worse not better.